
Do you think the drinking age will be lowered to 18?

by  |  earlier

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Not if you agree that it should, but do you think that it will?




  1. You already have to be 18 years old to buy alcohol and drink at a bar.

    If you're talking about the U.S., no; I don't think it should be lowered. I would vote for the prohibition of alcohol if I could.

    sgoldperson - You can't read. This is the UK & Ireland Answers site.

  2. There goes our insurance rates...

  3. I think that the drinking age should be around 15 or 16, AND that the driving age should be around 18-20.

    As it is in the United States, kids get their licenses as teenagers. When they turn 21, they get excited about being able to drink and chaos ensues since they are already allowed to drive.

    If kids were allowed to drink at a younger age, it would give them time to get used drinking. Hopefully, by the time they earned their licenses, alcohol would no longer be exciting and they would be able to act responsibly.

  4. no really, so let's not try to raise any hopes on that anytime soon.

    bc then there would be a lot of craziness going around in the streets causing a lot of damage to be paid off by people who didn't mean to stir up something that brought harm in some form or way or who didn't put "cause damage to (blahblahblah) on (blahblahblah) at or around (blahblahblah)...(blahblahblah)/etc" on their wish list/to-do list. so not until every 18yo person can show true responsibility & true maturity to everyone else in their surrounding communities/areas, then who knows when & if that will ever happen in the future.

  5. I vote for prohibition as well. Alcohol does more damage than benefit.

  6. No.  I really do not see that happening.

  7. no

  8. NONONO!

    imagine alcoholics under the age of 18!

    how crazy.

  9. I hope not! I remember the last time they lowered the drinking age (in the 70's) and it was a horrible disaster. So many deaths of young people! The funeral homes did a great business.

  10. No... it should be raised to 25..

  11. No it will not change. It should change though as far as mother's against drunk driving I would love to ship them out to death camps ... did I say death camps? I meant happy camps!

  12. Guess the first three people don't know HOW TO READ, or can't comprehend what is being ASKED. No it WON'T be. The reason is because the Feds decided years ago they want a "uniform drinking age" so they get it by using Federal Highway funding. Well there was a choice back then, either 18 or 21. The States that were saying 21, such as Pennsylvania, refused to lower the age. They aren't about to change their mind. I know PA was on the other side when it came to setting a "uniform DUI level" because PA was .10 and it was lowered to .08, but notice in that case it was made more severe. So unless a State DOESN'T want Highway funding it is going to stay 21.

  13. No because the human body is not fully developed at age 18 and it is not fully mature.  It is a road America does not need to go down

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