
Do you think the drinking age will change to 18?

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With all the recent talk about changing the drinking, do you think it will actually happen. Also, how soon do you think it could happen?




  1. It ought to.  

    Old enough to vote and die for your country in two stupid wars some prez started without a congressional vote, but can't crack a beer on July 4th.

    In France there is no drinking age and they have, probably, the lowest alcoholism and drunk driving % worldwide.  

    There is no illicit lure of drinking there.

  2. doubt it, sadly.

  3. poor americans its 18 here in ireland i couldent imagine having to wait until 21 well i hope it does for yous!

  4. most likely no with all the things people do the things they do wrong when they drink...theyre not gonna let more stuff happen especially when an 18 is going to drink that just doesnt mix well

  5. Its too late for the US to lower the drinking age.  We've already made it taboo for people under the age of 21 to drink and thats why so many underage drinkers think its cool and do it anyways.  We should have been like other countries and not have a drinking age so that way by the time driving age hits people don't care to get drunk and do stupid things.  We have horrible timing for the legal drinking age in our country.  People the age of 21 are in college and away from their parents so they binge drink and act wild because they are away from their normal environment where they might not act that way.  

  6. i hope so

  7. I doubt it...MADD and other abstinence groups wield far to much power in our government. It saddens me to see the minority control the majority...almost a dictatorship if you ask me.

    Anyway, SHOULD it happen? Yes, raising the age to 21 has done far more worse than it has good. Of course you'd have to get your information from sources other than MADD and the mass-media to know this.

    WILL it be lowered? Your guess is as good as mine. I think that our government officials like to pretend to be pianistic to much for it to happen. When it comes to vote at your state's house the majority will vote no...then go home light up a fatty, pour a glass of scotch and get a hummer from a hooker while they laugh because the tax payers are paying for all of it.

  8. In the US? Not today. And it's not the fault of the US, it's the fault of human nature.

    The US is far too affluent to allow this activity. Note that with affluence comes the desire to control the actions of others.

    People don't really care if someone else litters, drinks,  smokes, or whatever, if their mind is focused on getting some food on their table, or having a warm bed to lay their body down. However, once the basic human needs have been satisfied, we seem to love to tend to everyone else's business as well as our own.

    Note that in another period of relative affluence, we banned alcohol all together, and it took a major depression to humble us into minding our own business.

  9. Nope I don't think it will.  Although, I think it should.  It would be a couple years probably for anything to happen if it does.  

  10. That will never happen in the USA.

    The feds forced the change to 21 by threatening to with-hold highway monies. The feds hold the purse strings, and the states--if they are smart--just try to play along.

    Frankly, I agree with the 21 limit--high school kids have enough problems without trying to deal with legal drinking.

  11. No, it will not happen and I think the drinking age should be 25 years old. If 18 year olds can get alcohol then the 14-16 years olds will try to get it too. Enough is enough.

  12. they talk about it every election year, and nothing is done. Why? Because Congress is quite literally the opposite of Progress.  

  13. I highly dought it it will change. It will afect youre brain under the age of 21. It is for safty

  14. as a 18 year old i think changing it   down to 18 wouldn't be the smartest idea in the short run because history will repeat its self. I also don't think it should stay at 21 because  its unjust to say hears a gun go the  kill enemy ( very freaky time to be a 18 year old by the way with the stuff brewing between Russia and the rest of the world.)  the drinking age should go down slowly, like change it 20 then again a year change it to 19 and so on so people could adjust.

    any ways lucky for me i am going to spend next year  summer vacation in Poland  just got wait 9 more months.

    all in all i think its should be 18  i dont care what anyone says, saying at 21 your more mature and your brain is more developed is lame accuse to trying to control some one.  i been to Europe before, i seen what can happened when  18 year old drink responsible and do u know what  nothing went  wrong no one step in a car no one did anything they would regret and when they couldn't get home they stayed overnight. where they any different from the people i know here no they like the same music they worked hard they enjoyed playing sports. the moral is they grew up with it and weren't babied saying hes to young and it will make him do bad decisions. The only way for America to change and be more like  Europe and to take baby steps in the right direction.

  15. The drinking age here is 18 but i think it should be at least 21. Binge drinking is a major problem and most people at 18 are really too young to handle their booze well (youve just got to look at them by midnight and alot have chucked their guts up somewhere), plus most have just got their license and their cars and its a bad combination of timing.

    Learn how to have a good time without it and then when you do drink it will be a bonus and not a prerequisite to having a fun night out!  

  16. no, as much as i would like it to because the immediate repercussions would be extremely severe because there would be thousands of idiotic 18 year olds who will buy booze for their slightly younger friends so much that the number of drunken teen occurrences will definitely spike a lot before it starts to go down

  17. I think they should change the drinking age to 18 , If their old enough to fight for their country, they should be old enough to drink.

  18. Sorry Brad,


    People used to think one was an adult at age 18. Able to make any and all decisions regarding their life. BUT recent studies have shown that the brain does not reach maturity until around 25 yrs old.

    Alcohol can do significant damage to a young brain including stopping the maturity process and causing addiction much more quickly.

  19. It was tried in the 70's.  The reason was if you can die for this country in The Armed Forces, you should be allowed to drink.  Made sense to everyone.  The drinking age was lowered to 18.  The problem came about later when it was realized that fatal car accidents involving alcohol amoung those between 18 and 21 increased significantly.

    The law was changed.  I agree that the drinking age should be lowered to 18.  Just drink responsibly.  You are an adult.  Do not drink and drive.  It is just plain stupid.  

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