
Do you think the editor of Golfweek deserved to get fired for putting a noose on the magazine's cover?

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As a non-golfer, I never heard of this magazine until now.




  1. The lady who said Tiger should be lynched wasn't fired, only suspended. The guy decided to put the noose on the cover did it to get people to pick up his magazine. I bet you they sell more copies this month than ever. Was it a bit tactless? Yes. Did he deserve to get fired because of it? I say No.

  2. yes he did deserved.But the deal with the noose that most people said its racial thing cause they used to hang slaves.Its not the only people or race they hang in those noose those days now these day ethnic group are waiting to what the other is gonna do and start with racial issue.i found the noose to be offended cause the means death to any ethnic group in America.

  3. No, I don't think so.

    Tiger said he wasn't offended, and accepted the commentator's apology.

    The whole thing should have been dropped at that point.

    I wonder if Sharpton would have said anything if it wasn't an election year?


  5. Thou shalt not offend his majesty Tiger Woods for he is untouchable and must kneel at the altar of his presence.

  6. Not at all.  The editor was in no way promoting the lynching of Tiger Woods, or anybody at all.  The editor was bringing the story to the attention of non-golfers and golfers alike.

  7. People blow things out of proportion if you say something and really don't fullheartedly believe then its rude but it doesn't mean that's who you are. If a black anylist said that White boy can run its rude but what can you do right? Its only when you say these things repeatedly when you become outlined as a racist a womanizer or a close minded individual. I think it was very wrong what if Oprah said watch out for the confederate

    Brett farve or whatever you get my point right i hope so.

  8. yes, it was appropriate, and yes, ironically enough it got the magazine lots of free publicity

  9. Of course not. This is just another example of how the Freedom of Speech is being eroded in America. Myself and millions of other Americans are offended every time we see Al Sharpton 's face on TV or name in the paper, but that doesn't stop it from happening.

  10. To set the record staright.  Black people were not the only people lynced in the south. They lynched anyone.

  11. You are accountable for your actions. The cover got the magazine in deep water with many people. Hundreds of people have canceled their subscription.  Of course, he deserved to be fired.  How could you make an argument otherwise?

  12. Yes !

    This is not the 1950's. A noose has no business on the cover of a sporting magazine, just like swastika or any other symbol of hatred.

    People, get real !

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