
Do you think the emphasis on the dead Isreali soldiers is because their families were not told beforehand?

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The families of the bodies of those handed back to Hezbollah knew their loved ones were long dead, but the families of the Israeli soldiers were not informed so had reason to hope until they saw the coffins. That seems cruel to me.




  1. I don´t know ...but you read something like that and it just makes you wonder if we really are any more "civilised" than our cavemen ancestors were thousands of years ago.

  2. industry news-

  3. the families probably never had their sons deaths confirmed. Whilst they may have been optimistic I think deep down they knew. It must have been awful to have to face the reality that their son, was comin home in a box. Yes its cruel but these atrocities are coming from both sides.

  4. Barbaric sick worry though is there will be more deaths over this.

  5. Some One Wrote,'I am not so naive as to believe that this slim volume will change the course of history or shake the conscience of the world. Books no longer have the power they once did. Those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow.'

    Neither Isreal nor Hezbollah nor any other party involved has played by the rules, not even US.

    This is something to be considered before such aggression is even begun.

    Show me a Military Doctrine of Warfare that states your case and I will show beyond proof there is no Doctrine enforced/practiced according to the Rule of War.

    War never goes nor ends the way it is meant to do so, it will always go astray, it just depends on how determined you are to win.....

  6. Perhaps the reason they weren't told they were dead was incase the deal fell through.

    Your numbers are way off by the way.In many reports there were no mention of the 200 Palestinian and Lebanese militants bodies returned.That's an awful lot of dead for the media just to ignore.Why did they do that?Was it so's not to detract from the Israeli pain.What about the Palestinian and Lebanese who have waited much longer for the return of their sons who have died in decades of conflict?It's a painful situation for all involved and biased reporting only makes things worse.

    Maxey-I can't believe you said that.Is there anyone on the planet that burial and grieving isn't important to?

    Read my first line again.I did not miss the point.The fact that this conflict rages on  and on purely because America allows it to is what is barbaric.If America stopped vetoing everyone else and Israel actually adhered to what was agreed there might actually be some progress.

    So we agree to disagree then,simple.

  7. The dead are always more valuable to the family than to the rest of the populace. In battle, it is customary to allow the dead to be returned without interference. It is also customary for a grief party to go directly, in -person, to the family as soon as there is news of a dead soldier. If IHezbullah failed to do that, then they are dishonored for it.

    Actually, you are correct. I put in Isreal when I meant to say Hezbullah. Forgive me, for I am an old f**t and I am not perfect in all ways like you think you are.

  8. No, the reason that the Israelis are so concerned about retrieving the bodies is because in the Jewish religion burial and grieving are very important.


    Just look at who owns most of the newspapers and the other 'media', you then have your answer to reporting 'priorities'.

  9. 2 Israeli soldiers dead are far more valuble to the Israelis than 2 scum bag Terrorists. They can take them 2 out as they trundle along the road home.

  10. Cruel yes, but the politics behind this seem more complicated. Hezbollah admit they held two Israelis captive, handing the bodies back is tantamount to admitting they executed them. This has to be a coup for the Israelis, maybe saying to the world "look this is how our enemies behave" is more important to them than the families grief.

  11. Israeli take palastine without any reason

    god help palastine people they don't have much to eat  

    if  i am presdent of U.S.A i will make peace only without fighting on the name of the peace

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