
Do you think the evicted hm's should have a say in who wins BB ?

by  |  earlier

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Like the US version, only perhaps a 50/50 vote along with the public ?




  1. no

  2. im not sure


    1) they could just vote for their friends

    2) they dont know everything that happened behind their backs like we do

    3) they may have had a plan witrh the person who they want to win

  3. Possibly .... at least Rex would go that way because most of the ex housemates hated him.

  4. No. Public Power!

  5. certainly    not   ./    at    least   rex   and    darnell    will    have   a   chance    with    the     viewers    votes   .     the   other    has    beens    will   make    sure    mikey    wins   ,  

        i    will   be    gutted    if    he   wins    

  6. They can.They can pick up the phone and vote like everybody else.

  7. No Kat and Mo are idiots> they shouldn't have a say

    >Rex To Win

  8. I live in the US and didn't realize that you guys got to vote on the winner.  I love that...  it'd be nice to have a say.  The past  winner's list would be very different over here.

  9. I think there is too much hatred and jealousy in the UK version for this TBH!

    Luke would have had the fecking house almost empty the week he was evicted!

    Thinking back to the last few years, the same thing would have happened!

  10. How can they be stopped from voting, the phone lines are open aren't they?

  11. Mmmmm interesting idea ... coz the evicted HM's have lived with them on a day to day basis and have an up close & personal view of what it is like to be around the person 24 / 7.

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