
Do you think the fire of today in the Parliament building in cairo was made by someone? who ?

by  |  earlier

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btw, Miss you all guys.




  1. maybe the heat?

  2. well, nothing is happening with itself,, but it can be of course the irresponsibility of SOMEONE,, that is itself '''made by someone'' people are not responsible for a reason, when people are crashed, and suffer , they lose the responsibility feeling, and they just do not give a sh*t to yes it was made by someone , even if it was an accident,,,guess this one is who???


    the most funny I read in (al jaserah)  , someone said that the   Parliament building has  committed suicide because of what is happening inside it,, lol

  3. yes i think this is Great cairo fire that some newspapers talk about it from 6 months ago,and i think it is planned and done by someone

  4. Jews!

  5. i guess it is negligence bec there are no sessions these days .

    or it can be something went wrong in the electricity .

    someone  is greeted  warmly .

  6. d**n it was soo pretty... Very sad here..

    I guess we'll never know what really happened..

    I have a strong feeling it was just a lazy mowazaf with a cigarette or sth.. I have a feeling its sth this lame that caused this huge fire..


    I just heard that another two buildings caught fire on the opposite side of the street.. mabna el darayeb and maktab el bareed.. man..

  7. Hey Reiko .... nice to see u again

    About the Parliament accident ....

    NOW its TOO early to jump to any conclusion .... because the accident happened a couple of hours ago & the fire is still un-controllable till now ....

    Lets just wait & see what the next days r bringing to us

  8. I second the heat!

  9. As you may expect, negligence.

    Maybe the tea boy was making one Coffee for Mr. X on a mobile cooker in the Archive room where all the files are laying on the floors, he tipped the cooker (wapoor) and the fire caught the papers and files.

    The smoke detectors didnt work (if there are any) becuase they didn't change the batteries for the last 46 years, and the fire started spreading across the building.

    They tried to ring the Fire police, but the there was no land line working becuase they forgot to pay the bill. Mr. Y didn't want to use his mobile becuase he doesn't want to lose his credit althought the call to emergency services is free !!

    Someone on the street spotted the fire and rang the Fire police, the jumped in the car and started the engine, and waited 20 minutes in 3ataba square until the traffic is cleared.

    And finally arrived to the accident scene.

  10. hmm i didnt hear about it .. but i cant assure you one thing .. even if it were Arsen ... Kharjon :p

  11. My husband says that everyone hates that building, so he wouldn't be surprised if it was arson. There is nothing on the news in the UK about it.

    He did say that he hopes no one got hurt in the fire.  

    ps. nice to see you back.

  12. I just saw about it in the news, I'm not sure yest if it was made by someone, It might have happened accidentally  

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