
Do you think the following deserve World or Mid-Title Shots.?

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Alright when you decide whether or not you think they do, don't think decide because of their gimmick, but for their wrestling skills.

Super Crazy

Charlie Hass

Val Venis

Shelton Benjamin (for the World title)

And please say why you think the should/shouldn't




  1. Shelton Benjamin is the only one out of those 4.

    Personally I think John Morrison deserves a world title or even the US title.

  2. I think Val Venis should I don't believe he ever got a shot                      Charlie Hass is more of tag person                                                    Super Crazy I don't see anything for                                                  and last Shelton Benjamin should STOP acting like a dam FOOL

  3. none do kane and undertaker do

    BUT I AM......

    CRazi 4 HBK

  4. super crazy-yes he's exciting to watch has a really good set of moves and is over with the crowd he deserves a midcard title

    carlie haas-his mask gimmick is horrid, the crowd is bored by him and vince doesn't like him, he should go to the indy circuit

    val venis-well the guys gimmick appeals to the women he's getting up ther in age and has been a jobber since 2005 his days as a mid carder is done

    shelton-not yet his mic skill has to improve before he goes for the title every aspect u need to be champ is their though

    edit:jesse where is your 1st period class? Not alot of users on today don't you think

  5. From that list the only one that I see with posibilities is Shelton Benjamin, if you notice all the others are already condemned to Oblivion any time soon, McMahon squeezed the juice out of them and they're mid to low carders right now, I think Crazy and Hass should go to TNA, they could have better opportunities there.

  6. Because of wrestling skill, I'd say Super Crazy and Shelton Benjamin for the world title.

    Charlie Haas and Val Venis are mid-carders.

  7. Super Crazy-Mid-Title-Yes-Super Crazy has proved him self once and once again that he can win in any situation. hes been a wwe tag team champion with his old partner psicosis. and i think his high flying moves would really make him a great Intercontinental Or US Champion

    Charlie Hass-Mid-Title-Yes-Charlie Has A lot of heart and wont ever give up and i think that he can beat the intercontinental champion santino hands down.but against Kofi,or Shelton,or Jeff he would have some trouble

    Val Venis-World Or Mid-NO-Val Venis has not been a very succesful superstar over the past years sure hes held a intercontinental championship but ever since then its been down hill for him.

    Shelton Benjamen-World-Maybe-I think Shelton Is Better Off As A Mid Champion Like he is now.However,Shelton showed potential to become ECW Champon but i still remain on the fact that he should stay on the US Title & Other Mid Titles

  8. Super Crazy - He should prove himself much more worthy, but as of now, no he doesn't deserve one.

    Charlie Haas - Hmm...maybe. Actually yea, sure he deserves a shot at the IC title. Since they gave a shot at it for Santino then Haas should get one too.

    Val Venis - NO! Certainly not. He doesn't deserve one at all.

    Shelton Benjamin - Not right now. Maybe after he wins a few matches and beats the No. 1 Contender then I will reconsider.  

  9. None of them shoud. They haven't been in action lately. Shelton already has a title that he doesn't deserve. Jeff Hardy deserves a WWE Title shot. Jeff Hardy should at least have the United States belt around his waist. Jeff and Matt should team up and go for the tag team titles.

  10. none of dem do, Y2J DOES THO!!!!

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