
Do you think the fountain of youth exists?

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ha i dont.




  1. hahaa noo its just a fairty taleee lOl (:

  2. Yes. I took a shower in it last night. Someone ask the Grim Reaper if i left my soap there.  

  3. no

  4. I sincerely doubt it....but...

    We have enough youth!  How about a fountain of smart?!

  5. no but there is a theory that can explain it.

    from a study of identical twins who were split up and adopted across the country  i.e. lived in different environments, ate different foods

    they found as people age  their  physical chemistry changes on the cellular level.   So that someone with  the right diet and living conditions will age slower than someone else.    So one possible fountain of youth

    could be a pool in a pristine environment (untouched by human habitation)

    that had the right chemical balance  to slow the effects of aging.

    today  the place to search for this is the corner drugstore      

  6. No, there is no such thing as the Fountain of Youth. You cannot stop yourself from aging.

  7. No I do not believe that a fountain of youth ever existed...............

  8. Nope, getting old and dying is part of living.  

  9. Nope.

    You can, however, stay "young at heart". This is accomplished by...well, I guess by not letting the world tell you what to believe, how to think, etc. And, if you feel young, you'll probably live a bit better, if not longer. (Positive thinking, etc.)

    (Have you ever noticed that children always question things? That's what I mean by staying "young at heart".)

  10. Well, not smoking, not heavy drinking, no drug use and no stress in your life are the real "fountain of youth". Notice how people without vices nor stress tend to stay younger? I have.

  11. Not the myth but maybe scientists will some day discover the secret of life extension so we can live longer we have done this with every other animal except us

  12. NO, (but I think it's a metaphor for a combination of thing that improve your life for example diet & exercise, love, family, friendships, Religion all that stuff) which is also very unlikey to get it all just like that fountain :)

  13. no... i think it is basically a fairy tale lol

  14. NO y would there b?

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