
*Do you think the government planned 9/11!??????!??!??!?

by Guest65012  |  earlier

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i sure do because

1.) George is an idot

2.) why didn't we see the plane hit the pentagon?...and i heard they were going under construction that day

3.) why are there messages in 20 dollar bills

and what i want to know is why would they do that in the first place?




  1. You are an idiot. People like you want to believe that Bush is a dumass, yet he planned and inside terror attack requiring genius to devise. You are the Dumass! You can't have it both ways! Let me guess what else you believe! Fake moon landing? JFK conspiracies? UFO's? Black helicopters following you everywhere? Go see a doctor because you are either retarded or psychotic!

  2. Yes, I think the Saudi Arabian government was in on it.

  3. Yes i do believe 9/11 was an inside job. Within minutes of something hitting the pentagon, FBI went to all surrounding businesses and took their cctv videos. Then the gov't told us there were no tapes of a plane hitting the pentagon only to release a blurry version of a plane hitting the pentagon. Yea gov'ts don't lie. Go on watching your Celebrity news and your soap operas. Keep your head stuck in the sand cause you OBVIOUSLY have no clue whats going on in the real word. Specially if you are going to accept the gov'ts fairytales on what occurred on 9/11. Look into how America got into all the world wars, vietnam. When you sit at your computer and insult ppl for their beliefs you look ignorant. You don't believe in the theories, fine . Why dont you take the time and explain why you dont believe instead of showing how limited your thinking is? Loads of people from all walks of life believe there is more to 9/11 then what we have been told by the gov't.. Some have made valid points. Gov'ts lie. They lie to further their own agenda. Even America. Look at WW2. There were two organisations helping the n**i german war effort, one of these was I.G.Farben who supplied the n**i's with 84% of their explosives. One of the unspoken parters of I.G.Farben was J.D. Rockerfellers U.S. Standard Oil, the german air force could not operate without a special additive patented by rockerfellers Standard Oil.Standard Oil sold their fuel to I.G.Farben who then in turn supplied the n**i's so they could fuel their planes. This is just one point on how American businesses funded both sides of world War 2. One other treasonous organisation was the Union Banking Corp of New York  City. Not only did it finance several aspects of Hitler's rise to power along with actual materials during the war, it was also a n**i money laundering bank which was exposed for having millions of dollars of n**i money in it's vaults. You need to start paying attention to history cause if it could happend back then. you can bet its happening now. Watch Zeitgeist. An excellent documentary about all sorts of things including 9/11.

  4. Yes.

    1.  First, I don't believe him to be the idiot the media has led us to believe he is.  He IS socially awkward.  Maybe just maybe that has to do with him being a Sociopath and they often do have trouble with social interactions.  

    2.  I'm not sure but I do believe it was a plane that hit the pentagon.. but the thing is I seen a video of two Police Officers who witnessed the plane hitting the pentagon and they said the plane came from another direction... not the direction the "official story" states.  Perhaps it was a different plane. It's fishy.

    3.  I don't believe the 20 dollar bill has any real messages.  

    But yes, the evidence does seem to point to our US Government!  One of the biggest clues to me is.. the lack of a real investigation.  

    Several of the "hijackers" have been found alive.

    And the FBI can't link Osama Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks.

    So where's the beef?  What proof do we have that Arab extremists attacked us?

  5. Mr. Bush is not an idiot the people that say he is are.

    The reason why we didn't see the plane hit the pentagon is because we already saw the twin towers fall so they thought that to keep people from going insane on the pentagon getting hit they didn't show it on TV because plane crashes are all the same.

    Messages in $ 20 bills who ever said that is messed up in the head because I have a 20 right now and I don't see anything thatis a message except for saying In God We Trust but even then I don't think half the population trusts God.

  6. I suggest getting your fillings changed from metal to porcelian, because they're obvioulsy interfering with the radio wave feed you're getting from your tinfoil hat.

  7. hmmm,  I bet you think we never went t the moon either.


  8. No.

    Their are a million ifs and buts, but their are also a million reasons otherwise.

  9. No, I don't think the American government perpetrated 9/11.  However, I do believe that those who planned 9/11 live all around the world as elitists who act as shadow governments to a copious amount of countries.

  10. Yeah! Bush planned the attack with the aliens from Rigel 4 in a distant galaxy.

    "George is an IDOT?! Is he with the Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, or Iowa Department of Transportation?

    I assume you mean idiot (like yourself for not being able to spell I-D-I-O-T). Even if he is an idiot, he managed to convince the majority of the population as well as members of congress and other nations that it is was NOT an inside job. He sounds like a freakin genius to me.

  11. and you say "George" is an idiot?

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