
Do you think the government should ban the use of Salvia Divinorum?

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Do you think the government should ban the use of Salvia Divinorum?




  1. No.  Not unless there is at least one study that shows that it causes brain damage or any negative effects at all.

    Mexican Shaman use it for years without any negative side effects.  Just because something gets you high doesnt mean its bad.  I hate that about our culture for viewing things that way.  If something is bad for you just because it causes a halucinogenic effect we should see cats all f'd up after using catnip too much right?  

    If someone can prove that its worse for you than smoking an herbal cigarette then lets hear it.

  2. I think the govt should stop telling people what they can put in their bodies entirely -- if someone wants to take drugs, or eat fatty foods, that should be a personal choice, not something the govt regulates -- but anyone who does cannot later claim medical benefits for that choice.

  3. As long as alcohol is kept legal I'm not quite sure where they find a legal leg to stand on to keep everything else illegal.  Talk about your double standards!

  4. I believe that the govt should put the word out that certain substances or lifstyles is negative and use examples to show the simpler crowd. They should not, however, ban every negative substance. They're sheltering us in a way that may be more harmful than good. The only situation, I believe, that they can ban something, is if they present evidence that using or doing something cause the user/doer to do/say something potentially harmful to someone else or themselves that they wouldn't normally do/say.

  5. ^What he said, without the government being involved in medical care, though.  Freedom and Socialism are incompatible, and I choose Freedom.

  6. What ever is natural is all good; if you have the wisdom to use it.

    But. . .

    what ever is synthetic or chemical ( LSD, crack, meth, etc ) might be so hazardous for your spiritual, mental or physical health.

    Salvia Divinorum belong to Mexicans in Oaxaca, where people use for Spiritual or medical reasons since before western civilization raised.

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