
Do you think the government should be able to control the rights of g*y marriage?

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I think that we have the freedom of religion.We can choose and practice any religion we wanted to here in the United States of America.By allowing the government to control or handle g*y marriages is preposterous.Because here in America we do not allow g*y marriages.But why?What is so wrong about two people that are in love enough to want to get married?They want to make it official and public that yes they are married to the same s*x.Which brings me back to freedom of religion.In the bible is states that a man and a women should be together.That no man and man should be together and that no women and women should be together.The government has already picked a religion for us to go by.The law that says no g*y marriages comes from what is said by "GOD" in the bible.This is why i do not think that government should not be allowed to control g*y marriage.If those two men fall in love and want to get married then they should have every right to just like any female and male couple.Same goes with the women that want to get married to their girlfriend.




  1. You have a right to believe as you wish, but the government has regulated the practice in some cases.  For example, Indians cannot use peyote in their religious services.  It is for the good of society they claim and that there is heightened scrutiny.

    Mormons were not permitted to have plural marriages and were prosecuted for it back in 1800's and the vote was taken from women in the state of Utah for a time because of it as they voted against the government.  This does not mean the stuff about the people who call themselves fundamentalist Mormons, many of whom have no relationship with the Mormon Church at all.  But families were split up and just visiting a wife could put a man in jail.  The government and courts do have control over marriage.  Marriage, evidently is not just a religious ceremony but a civil sanctioned relationship and can be controlled somewhat by the state.  

    So the state has control over g*y marriage in stating whether there is or is not such a marriage.  now a couple can pledge their faith and loyalty, etc. but it is not sanctioned by the state and not given rights under IRS, etc.  or any protection under the law.  It is this protection of law and the benefits of law that is sought in my understanding.  In some states there are some protections for insurance, etc, but that is generally negotiated in contracts or some companies grant such benefits.  

    We may not agree to the right to regulate religion, but they have for a long time now.  There are several precedents that limit the practice of religion, but you can continue to believe as you wish, just not practice it in some cases.

  2. I have such a hard time understanding how anyone could be opposed to g*y marriage. It doesn't hurt anybody, and like you said, the government can't make something a law just because it's part of a religion. I guess conservatives are opposed to it just because it goes against tradition, so they assume that it must be bad. That's about as deep as their thought process gets.


    sweet.caroline, all you really said was that the government can regulate religious practices. I'll agree with that. But you fail to mention why the government should ban g*y marriage. Peyote is considered bad for society because it is a dangerous drug, so people may not use peyote, even for religious reasons. How is g*y marriage bad for society? Pretty much anyone who tries to answer this question will bring religious opinions into the argument, because there's no logical argument for banning g*y marriage. When logic fails, resort to religion, I guess that's the mentality people have.

  3. Actually, the US does allow g*y marriages in many states and soon it will allow it all over.

    The legal precedents have been established - it's discrimination not to.

  4. The government of each state currently recognizes marriage as a contract between two parties, giving each party rights and privileges he/she would not otherwise have.  To remove government from marriage would eliminate many protections that husbands and wives have, such as the right to inherit property, the right to be supported, etc.  The problem arises when this contractual right is restricted to couples who are male/female.  If Christianity really ruled marriage law, then divorce would not exist.  It is ironic how many marry in a church and then "dissolve" the marriage not in church- where it's not possible- but rather in court- where permitted by law.

  5. This is way moreso a rant than it is a question, my dear.  Not only is it that, but you're clearly trying to start a huge debate here.

    Opinion questions like this suck, because rather than everyone working together to give each other good answers, we start pitting our morals and values against one another and it turns ugly.  This is not the point of Yahoo Answers.

  6. No, in my opinionthey sshouldn'thave any control over it at all. People have the right to choose who they want to love, and if that happens to be a person of the same gender then so be it. g*y marriage isn't hurting anyone.

    I go to a christian school, and they push us to believe that god wont love us if we choose to love people of the same gender.

    Personally I dont believe in God, Im at the school for the education. But they also teach us that God loves EVERYONE, no matter what 'sins' we commit. So really they 'g*y' people from the term 'everyone'.

    We should be happy that people have the love for each other enough to want to announce it to the world, not hide away in shame.  

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