
Do you think the government should have?

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stricter laws for child abuse?

i know Trinis dicipline differently than alot of countries

do you think we should have stricter laws?




  1. yes

  2. I agree with Julien, whats the point of Parliament passing laws if they are not going to be enforced??? They can pass twenty laws, but dat would be pointless if they are not enforced.

  3. Julien has a point. If the seat belt laws are not being enforced what good what additional laws do? Also, laws re. child abuse will go two ways; either people will know that it will be like everything else and ignore it totally or become like the US where most people are afraid to discipline their children for fear of being arrested. The solution is to enforce the laws already in place, but still allow parents the freedom to handle their children as they always have. They must be doing something halfway right; our youth are not nearly as rude/violent/ out of control as their American counterparts.

  4. trinidad needs stricter laws om child abuse

    yes we discipline differently, and yes sometimes parent/guardians go overboard, and here is where de government needs to step in

  5. like Julien said we have enough laws to go round -twice.  We now need to implement these laws and start using them regularly.

    We, however, need to be careful about what we call child abuse, to ensure that we dont end up in a situation like the US where if you even hit your child its considered abuse.  

    What we need to have is better systems for those parents and guardians who overdo - the 'accident' prone children, always have a broken something or bruises because they walk into door.  That is what we have to look into.

    Additionally, we need consider those adults who are accused/convicted of child abuse, rape, and those pedophiles.  Have a registry of all of them, keep a database of their DNA and create a system where they have to check in with the Social Welfare offices (?) and not police every however long. Just to keep track of them.  

    There may be a need to review the laws and come up with harsher penalties and hope that acts as a deterent to offenders.

  6. NO there are enough laws to protect children in this country. What we need is to enforce these laws.

    One law i think that is needed though is to provide for a register of offenders and proper tracking of these people, to ensure that they are not placed in positons to harm children.

    Dread we can't even enforce a simple seat belt law you think more laws wlll help ?

  7. The Death Penalty is what justice should give them; either that or keep every single sick b*****d of them locked-up for life. Even locking them up for life doesn`t work because the b******s get together in prison and exchange information on children, method of operation, and they have prisoners that get out and then they go and rape some poor innocent child. Leting child rapists and abusers out of jail is a COLOSSAL mistake made by a court system that responds for the perpetrator and almost never for the victims. I know also that any child that survives that kind of sick abuse is DAMAGED for life. Any Judges that have given clemency to child rapists, abusers, or murderers in Yahoo!Answers by any chance? I f there are, WHAT THE h**l ARE YOU THINKING, giving justice to the scum of the earth and the h**l with the victim or any possible future victims. Judges that let out this kind of criminal and then that criminal goes after an innocent child should be prosecuted for: Contributing in an assault of a child, Promoting the criminal assault of a child, Reckless dereliction of duty. Then they should be placed in public gallows where we can throw rotten eggs at them. Shame on all of you who put our children in danger of being assaulted, the Lord is watching you. Go ahead and tremble with fear because God will get you, just as he will get those who harm children in such sick, repulsive ways. I was sexually abused as a child and I can tell you that it`s a living h**l 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every year of my life. So as you can see if the victims suffer so much don`t you think that the least judges can do is throw them in jail for life, or better yet give them the DEATH PENALTY they have earned it. Nowadays there`s a bunch of liberals in the justice system as well as regular Tom&Jerry`s that just want to give criminals a spanking for the crimes that they comitt. They claim that our jails are overcrowded, well dammit get drug addicts and petty criminals out of there and fill them up with those that are harming and murdering our children. Send the d**n ilegals in our jails home (about 500,000 ilegals in our prisons) to their countries and you will have even more room in our prisons for all that scum that are preying on our children. All countries around the world should have severe laws for those who prey on children and death penalty for child rapists and child murderers. Our country should not be just about laws and rights but about justice for the victims; especially when the victims are children, and in our country, as well as countries around the world, children should be classified as children from the day of birth to their legal adult age. There shoud not be  laws that realistically says something like: "If you rape a child whose age is under 12, we will put you in jail for 25 years; however, if you rape a child whose age is above 12, now that would be a thirteen year old girl, we will give you less jail time. WAKE UP PEOPLE, in reality what that law is doing is discriminating against all thirteen year old girls that get raped. It`s like the law itself is telling the perpetrator, "If I were you I would not go and rape a child who is less than 12 years old; I would just go for all  the most child looking thirteen year old girls and rape them, this way if I get caught I will do less jail time. Where is the reasoning in this? The law should be that regardless of the age or s*x of a person that is raped, the rapist will be sentenced to death or life; and it will be followed by all of the states. Why is it so hard for people to understand the real magnitude of this crime and the impact that it has on the person or child that this crime was committed against. This is not an issue of vengence, like some will say when they come at you with this moronic idea about "Oh that you we have to forgive; God doesn`t want anyone killed; Remember that vengence belongs to the Lord and on and on and on...............This is about justice, I am a Born-Again-Christian and I believe in the Death Penalty. As a Christian I remind believers that Jesus himself said that He did not come to replace the law and during His arrest, when Peter pulled out his sword and cut the ear of one that had come to arrest Jesus, He told Peter that whoever lived by the sword shall die by the sword. We are also told by Jesus to obey the laws so that we don`t get into trouble. If and when anyone breaks a law they get into serious trouble. I have not read yet in the Bible that you can go ahead and break the law and not pay a penalty for it, I have read plenty of Bible verses that states that if you break the law you will pay for breaking it.

  8. yeah they should but then again the kids now are beating up on parents and those others of higher authorities like teachers and parents and older siblings

  9. Yes, definitely!

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