
Do you think the green revolution is a success? has it solved any problems, how susstainable are green revolut

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Has is solved any problems or created new ones, and how sustainable are green revolution approaches?




  1. You are using the term "green revolution" incorrectly.  Historically, the Green Revolution took place in the 1960s and 1970s when new strains of hybrid crops were developed that improved yields by several orders of magnitude.  The most dramatic success story is India, which until the 1970s was always on the verge of famine.  The introduction of a new strain of wheat improved harvests to the point where within a decade India became a major exporter of food.  Similar improvements took place in many parts of Africa and the Far East.

  2. here is a green revolution

    only i call it a WAR

    You cannot go against the principles of sustainability

    that is not even a debate

    Chinampas ,and Inca terraced gardens function productively after 1000 years getting better with time

    Conventional modern farming tires the soil in 3 years ,and then must be kept alive with chemicals which in turn do more harm

    and how we use our Bio resources reflects directly back on our socio-economic situations .

    here are some new green  developments

    check huddler it has some neat stuff.

  3. I believe it is being sucessful and will be very succesful as time goes on. You just have to be patient and trust.

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