
Do you think the hills are the best show ever?

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I do it is so great and this season look so good. So tell me why it is or not the best show




  1. no. it sucks! that show is scripted and they're not fighting IRL.  

  2. Yessssss! It's like the best show ever!! And yeah, this season looks soooo good! I can't wait to see what happens with Lauren and Audrina. I think it's the best show because people can really relate to Lauren and her relationships and it's always something new going on. Never the same old drama. It's just an amazing show. =)

  3. Yes, I think its one of the best shows out there right now.  It has it all, drama, comedy, emotions, of something I can relate to (minus the s*x tape). (go here to watch all episodes aired so far), just click and play.

  4. haha i actually love that show no homo. heidi is hot and spencer is the man. i hate lauren but she is hot

  5. F***n retarded *** **** d worst show 2 hit television besides gossip girls full of s***s theres no real story its all about s*x s*x s*x WTF

  6. I think it is the best ever. I never miss an episode I've seen them all since season 1 episode 1. I cant wait to see what all happens in this season with Doug and Stephanie!! Guess we'll have to wait and see. I also want to find out what happens between Lo and Audrina. I think Audrina will move out but I think her and Lauren will still stay friends. I am so excited and I cant wait until Monday!!!  

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