
Do you think the hook-up mentality is harmful or beneficial?

by  |  earlier

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People say that in college you need to get out there and see what you like. Go to parties, hook up with girls because this way you know what you want, and you have the experience for later in life. But the way I see it is that you both are drunk so it doesnt take much finesse to get her in bed, you are clumsy drunk in bed so there goes the experience, and most people dont remember the finer details to actually say it helps. For the most part people are all worried about pregnancy and disease and at the very least worry about the awkward moments when she's joins your class.

Hookups are empty and make you feel more empty.




  1. I second that. I've only had one random hook up and it wasn't worth it. We hooked up twice and then never talked again. I have no idea how many girls he was with and who all he "takes home" after a night out at the bar. Hook ups mean nothing. Yeah, it was fun at the time...but just as you said, it only happened because we were drunk and I don't remember half of it. I felt empty afterwards. s*x is such an intimate act, I feel like it's definitely worth waiting for someone special to share it with.

  2. I agree with you

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