
Do you think the identity of a donor should be required on a birth certificate?

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Main Entry: do·nor

Pronunciation: \ˈdō-nər, -ˌnȯr\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English donoure, from Anglo-French doneur, from Latin donator, from donare

Date: 15th century

1: one that gives, donates, or presents something

2: one used as a source of biological material (as blood or an organ)

3 a: a compound capable of giving up a part (as an atom, chemical group, or subatomic particle) for combination with an acceptor b: an impurity added to a semiconductor to increase the number of mobile electrons

I don't see anything here about anonymiity




  1. Without full knowledge of one's roots, it's possible for the offspring to marry close relatives like brothers, sisters, first cousins, etc.  It's URGENT that all people know their genealogical background for so many reasons.

    YES, definitely, the children of sperm donors should know their roots, so the donor should be identified in some way so things like the scenario above won't happen!


  2. No

  3. No not at all.

  4. No that's like working as a volunteer and then wanting to get paid. Donors are anonymous.

    Don't ask a question if you don't want the answer. You have been reported.

  5. I think so.  Yes.

  6. Yes.  That person is the biological parent of the child.  The child has a right to know his/her fathers name.  That info would prevent biological siblings from marrying and it could also help if the child becomes ill and needs a kidney or bone marrow or something.  No biological parent has a right to anonymity.  Anonymity is what is best for the parents and not what is best for the child.

  7. Once again its the clinics promising "confidentiality" and in my opinion, they have no legal ground to do so.

    I think there should be a centralized place of records for donor conceived to seek out their donors, since the birth certificate is to "map" a birth, and that there should be a stamp on the certificate acknowledging the conception via donor.

    Europe is doing this right now, they have a bill that would require a stamp on all birth certificates of donors.

    I kinda like the idea :)

  8. No, of course not. A donor is not your parent. Pretty much everyone I know has pieces of their medical history missing. Not one has had it become a problem for them. People take things too far. Who cares who's sperm you came from.

  9. No that’s why it’s called anonymous donation. However perhaps there should be indication that the child is from a donated egg or sperm.  You’d probably have less people willing to donate if they had to be known. A lot of sperm donors are college age guys who only want to make a bit extra cash.  It may be cruel to say but for some people conceived via donor sperm or egg, all they were to their birthparent was some extra money. That might not make some people feel good regardless if they knew the identity of their sperm or egg donor.

    Donor also don’t want to be hit up for childsuppport now in most cases this wouldn’t happen but they don’t want to take any risk.  Perhaps anyone who donates should have to supply some non identifying medical information to the sperm or egg bank they use that  would be given to any couple or person , who ends up using their sperm or egg.

  10. Yes, absolutely.  No human being should be denied the truth of their origins or medical history/ancestry.

    For this reason annonymous donation has been recently outlawed in the UK

    It is clear that not many people here care two hoots about what the resulting child might feel about the whole situation :(

  11. The identity of a donor should not be on the birth certificate.

    Parents are on birth certificates. A donor is not a parent.

    FYI When you go through a sperm bank you choose the Donor.

    You would most likely choose a donor with traits and origin similar to your partners.

    You are given tons of paper work including what they do for work, education, hobbies, TV shows they watch, etc..

    It includes intensive medical information through generations of their family and extended family.

    They tell you how many children were born with his donation and the s*x of the children.

    You are required to report any children that are born using the donor.

    They have a limit on how many children can be born using each donor.

    Their are some people that donate to individuals.

    On a TLC show I saw this guy that will send you his for free. He is super creepy. He says he wants to populate the word with his seed. He is willing to meet the children

  12. Yes.  Everyone has a right to his or her origins.

  13. I don't think so.  I think that people who choose to use a donor aren't wanting a coparent, they simply need some sperm so that they can conceive.  If my father had been "a donor" I would not feel any need to know him, to "search" for him, etc.- that's some pretty bare bones to try to pick from.  I also think that men who donate are counting on some level of anonymity- if they wanted to be parents at that time, they would find a partner, not a specimen cup.

  14. it would seem to me that a sperm donor was making a little extra money for college (as one scenario) and really didn't have any intention whatsoever of being a parent so why force it?  If the sperm donor wanted to be a parent then why not just knock someone up and be a parent?

  15. I think some people are confusing donor with anonymous. Actually a donor is only someone who donates something, not does it anonymously.

    And as for those who think oh we all have gaps in our medical history...what about those poor kids who have none ie donor eggs and sperm? (and beleive me they are out there).  What happens if the medical bit you are missing is where the issues are coming from (and yes I know all about screening)

    Are you going to use the same old rubbish 'well at least you have two parents who loved you enough to want you'.  Like somehow that makes up for everything.

    And as some countries are now making anonymous donation illegal I completely agree. Why should someone suffer in various forms (lack of medical, lack of identity) just so some college student can earn a few bucks. That should be considered abuse.

    ETA: Oh Cam my answer would be YES! :-)

  16. YES!  The donor doesn't have to be a parent to the child, but it is WRONG to keep that information from the child.  It's THEIR information.

    Why is it always about the adults and what THEY want?  You're creating a human life!  (I'm speaking to the answerers above, btw.)

  17. A 'donor' is still a father.

  18. No... part of being a donor is remaining anonymous.

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