
Do you think the invasion of the brown apple moth will affect Napa Valley vineyards?

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Do you think the invasion of the brown apple moth will affect Napa Valley vineyards?




  1. We can only hope so...  That's the only way to get the growers to replace & improve the quality of the grapes that are out there right now.

    European wines are MUCH better...

  2. Light brown apple moth was found in the area this year and it has been watched and eradicated when found. It will be restricted to areas with no winter freeze as it has no cold tolerance. Like everything else, it will be kept mostly in check by integrated pest management practices. It is here, and now we will always have it. The chances of getting rid of it are few to none, and I would expect it to spread right threw to Florida eventually. Even if we were to be incredibly careful to avoid the problem here, other countries to the south do not take the precautions that we do in the US. Even with those in place, it is still only a matter of time, and the money spent on those precautions just buys us a little time. Once we started shipping and flying food around the world, all problems and pests will eventually come and nothing can be done except to expect their arrival prepared.

    As to the extent of damage? Hard to tell but like anything else, you need to be proactive and looking for anything anywhere like a good grower. Setting out traps now will alert them early and then preparations can be set into gear and the problem dealt with. I can't imagine it being more than just a nuisance at best with minimal cost.

  3. Don't you mean the african american apple moth?  LOL

  4. dont know where to begin

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