
Do you think the iphone app store will ever make an MMS application?

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Do you think the app store will allow developers to make apps for MMS on the iphone?

I know apple's terms said navigation apps were not allowed but did they say any others?

IS it even possible to make an app that would do that? What about an app for video recording? Or an app for any of the features that were "left" off by jobs?

Or would you have to have a firmware update for these options?




  1. I would think that video recording, MMS and navigation applications will eventually make it to the iPhone as either a firmware update or applications. Just seems logical.

  2. MMS requires access to the baseband which the SDK does not allow.

    Video recording is being done by both uShow and iPhone View Recorder.

    As for other stuff (copy/paste, Bluetooth, MMS, etc.), only Apple is allowed to do that...but they can all be done with a firmware update.

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