
Do you think the job will call me back?

by  |  earlier

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I applied for a job recently and this ias what they emailed me back.

We have received your resume. We will contact you if we wish to schedule and interview.

What do you think?




  1. Was this an automated reply to your e-mail, or was it an actual e-mail?

    If it was an actual written e-mail, it doesn't sound too good : /

  2. not sure

  3. While you believe that you have all the qualifications they were looking for, there's probably at least 10 other candidates who do as well.

    From my experience in job searching, this is usually a generic email saying "hey, we've received your resume, don't hit the send button again coz my inbox's filling up quickly with these".

    They might or might not contact you. If they do, it's usually in a period of two weeks.

    Good luck!

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