
Do you think the kid and pre-school shows on TV are too simple for kids?

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Sometimes, I feel like they arent challenging enough...




  1. I think it depends on what age group you are talking about. My two year old loves dora and I find that its interactive approach has expanded my son's vocabulary. I do understand that those shows may be too repetetive, but I like to talk to my son while he watches those shows to get him to speak more, for example I will ask him what does he think is going to happen next.

  2. No, actually, they just banned all tv programming geared to under 3 year olds in france. They say it's absolutely horrible for them to watch tv at all. So no, I don't think it's too simple for the older kids, because in theory, they shouldn't be watching tv to learn anything anyways, it's a good distraction for an hour while you make dinner or clean, but it's not meant to be anything more than what it is, entertainment. We make kids grow up too fast anyways, in my opinion, lol

    Good luck!  

  3. Well, my son (just turned four) loves WordGirl, Arthur, Magic School Bus, and Fetch.  He has learned so much from these schows that yes, he is bored with pre-school shows, although he still loves Diego, Dora, and just about any Nickelodeon show.  Sesame Street has a new format which is great.  As far as tv for kids, it depends on what they watch and how much.

  4. yea some of them. My daughter is 19 months old and she loves sesame street and big big world but those are meant for older kids. The one about the little boy on PBS- something with a c just makes we crazy. She hates it and always turns the tv off when he comes on.

    EDIT- oh and for family time--- i educate and play with my child as well during it. If there showing a number or letter on sesame street i show her how to sign it. Big Big World i talk to her about the animals. Why cant television be family time as well. We snuggle in the morning and watch it. If im not with her when we watch she watches when elmo comes on other wise unless there singing is not interested.  In our home PBS is always on. I need noise, and music doesn't work the base makes it worse. I have TMJ and from the broken bones they rattle if my ear drums aren't stimulated.

  5. Mizindependant, do you have any children???  Thought not.

    TV can be abused; however, some of the shows can be really helpful if you watch them with your kids.  My 20 month old also loves Arthur and Word Girl, and we both especially love Ready, set, learn with Paz the Penguin.  My son has been co-sleeping with us, and has actually slept in his crib for the last two days/nights because we saw and episode where Paz was overtired and had to take a nap.  I told my son that he is tired like Paz, and needs to lay down.  It works beautifully.

    Oh, and he speaks close to 100 words and understands at least 10 concepts (slippery, heavy, sleeping, etc.), so television for kids can be challenging if you choose appropriate shows.

  6. Research has shown that children's brains develop differently when they watch only one hour of tv a day vs. no tv. Young children should have play time and family time, time to explore their surroundings rather than be babysat by a box. I do not recommend tv for small children and very little for older children.

  7. they are indeed but they are not designed to entertain for 8 hours a day. They are just a diversion when they are having a bit of quiet time.  Easy watching, nothing intense.  just a bit of fun rather than education.  Certain programmes are laughable like teletubbies or in the night garden which proved disaterous for my speech delayed son.  Sesame street and Barney are quite educational though

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