
Do you think the legalization of marijuana will be in affect by 2012? Do you think Obama will enforce it?

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I am studying political science in college and also a faithful marijuana user. And I am trying to get this major issue at the Nation's attention to legalize marijuana.




  1. No.

    I am not nor have I ever used Marijuana.

    That said the main reason it is illegal is liquor and drug companies don't want it legal. I could care less if you want to toke up and if it were to help with pain treatment or nausea in cancer and other patients I'm more than happy for it to be legalized.

  2. no

  3. What you want is to decriminalize it not legalize it. No one will go for legalization but they might go for decriminalization. Obama will not be in any position to do anything accept from his seat in the senate where he will be going back to in November.

  4. thats stereotype haha

  5. Look at the main financial contributors to the Office of National Drug Control Policy: Bayer, Phillip Morris, RJ Reynolds, Eli-Lilly, Anheiser-Busch, all pharmaceutical, alcohol, and tobacco companies.  Multi-billion dollar lobbying to keep a safer recreational drug, safer medicine, that people can provide for themselves, out of their hands.

    Obama is not the first to claim he would end prohibition of marijuana.  Jimmy Carter also made this statement, until a cocaine scandal in his cabinet made it political suicide for him to support marijauana.  Michigan senator Conyers has repeatedly sent letters to the DEA demanding an endo to the prisoning and attacking of state licensed medical marijuana users.  He is on the oversight committee that allocates money to the DEA.

    Its also interesting that almost 75% of the DEAs money goes towards helicopters, typically used for infrared imaging of peoples houses to see if they are growing.  For several days after allocating tax money to the DEA, the Senate argues over whose state will get the contract for building engines, who gets the windshields, etc.  $$$$$$$ makes the world go round.

    I personally see medical becoming legalized/decriminalized before any attempt at general legalization.  Numerous physicians, including the largest group of doctors in the US, the American Medical Association, has publicly shown support for medical marijuana.  PHDs are constantly petitioning the NIDA and NIH for ther ability to research marijuana in clncial studies, myself included.

    Theres a funny thing about truth and lies.  Lies have to be maintained, large amounts of money have to be spent keeping the public ignorant.  Truth on the other hand can be validated.  Once discovered and made public, you cannot take it away, the knowledge is there.  The governments propoganda is requiring HUGE taxpayer funds to maintain its facade.  Truth is being discovered and it cant be hidden.  It is there for the faithful to honesty, the dedicated who research scietific findings.  Lies get found out, truth is permanent.  I think voters are realizing this, as last election, there were 38 inititivaes nationwide, calling for reduced penalties to marijuana users.

  6. obama is a member of the illuminati # 1.  number 2, he is a part of the republicrat party.  neither party will legalize any drugs.  if you want drugs legal you need to start voting in members of the libertarian party.  

  7. I wouldn't want it to be legalized anyway.  If it were the amounts you could have would be regulated, the potency would be lowered and regulated, and the general freedom that goes along with smoking pot would be taken away from you (you wouldn't be able to get the phaze or sour diesel potencies any more). Decriminalization is what we should be shooting for and it's also what has the best chance of happening in the semi-near future, but I don't believe by 2012, maybe in his second term though, but I kinda doubt it.

  8. no and no

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