
Do you think the libs will hate and trash vp nominee palin because she's pretty?

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Do you think the libs will hate and trash vp nominee palin because she's pretty?




  1. No, but they will because she is a nitwit with no respect for the US Constitution and because a month ago she did not even know McCain's position on the Iraq War.

  2. She's not pretty.

  3. yes because libs are bulldog looking dikes  

  4. Madonna is a lib... and she looks wayyyy better than Palin.

  5. We were on the defensive since this all began. Even Obama himself is on the defensive and didn't make an issue of it. I'll be damned though. I'm 70% offensive and only 30% defensive on things right now. If you don't like it then log off. If you wanted to show respect you should have already done so when you had the clear opportunity.

    Rot in obscurity.

  6. I got news for isn't just Democrats that think this was a stupid move on McCain's part.  There are plenty of Republicans that agree that this is over now, and that directly due to this.  

    The man was starting some momentum, but he just blew off his own foot.  He is a idiot.

  7. No we will trash her because she is inexperience and that has been the Republicans ONLY stance against Obama.

    It's one thing to discuss how unqualified Sarah Palin is. That's a national matter and huge. But on a grassroots political level, her nomination takes away the Republicans' ONLY weapon in the campaign - calling Barack Obama inexperienced.

    Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  She looks crazy to me like that woman who claimed she was kidnapped by Mexicans.  

  8. They will throw everything they can, but nothing will stick.

    Wait until Sarah turns Biden into a throw rug at the debate! lol

  9. No, they will trash her because she is not qualified.

    It is not just the libs either.

    There are a lot of Conservative Republicans very upset with this choice for VP.

    If you read the news at all you will find that out. The only people really gushing over her are Fox News.

  10. Absolutely! It started the moment McCain made his annoucnement and you have never seen, the filth, visciousness and hatred felt by some people.

    Here are a few samples:;...;...;...;...;...


    No Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.a Pig with a gold ring in her snout is still a pig proverbs .But I do wonder if Mccain calls her names behind her back

  12. No, just because she's unqualified to be VP, a bible-thumper who believes abortion should be illegal even in case of rape and incest, and has already abused her powers in the short term that she has been governor.

    Most people like the fact that she is a milf...

    or would that be gilf?

  13. They will and they'll claim inexperience because that's what we've been saying about Obama BUT she has way more experience than Obama so honestly they need to shut up. We can still say that he's inexperienced and make that a huge stance because he's running for f*cking PRESIDENT and not VP, DUH! He's the one that'll be running the country, not just second-in-line. Dumbas*es annoy me.

    And they'll argue that "McCain is the same. He's not change." Well they sure as h**l can't say that now, can they?! Nope, Palin is a WOMAN. HAHAHAHA take that mother effers. She's a brilliant woman who's taken stances and shown a spine in all that she's done. She may have little experience but what she does have is more than Obama. The man has only been running for president. His couple of weeks in the senate did absolutely nothing. He promoted no real change. Just hopes and dreams. Sorry, you can't run a country on hopes and dreams. Palin IS change. She's proven that she does what she says. Obama can't say that. And Biden is a disgrace of a man aswell. He hasn't lowered taxes (as he keeps promising) in his state that he represents. He hasn't done sh*t in all his decades in the federal government.

    Libs can't say that McCain isn't change because of Palin now. They also can't say that because Palin AND McCain have done what they said they'd do. Did anyone else realize that the few times Obama DID vote in the senate that he voted a majority of the time with Busch? Yeahhhh Busch isn't THAT stupid guys. He's smart, he just did one thing that everyone was ok with at the time but now they don't like it. Dumbas*es. You also can't complain about McCain talking about his POW days because if I hear one more story about Obama's childhood or Biden's loss of his wife and child yada yada yada. If libs can talk about overcoming hard times then so can conservatives.

    I'm done ranting now.

    McCain-Palin 08'

    -Later Gator-

  14. They already have, they were showing a photo of her around here wearing a lowcut blouse and miniskirt, while calling her a s**t.

    They only wish their women looked half as good as her.

  15. pretty right wing, gun-toting weirdo - yep!

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