
Do you think the machine is depersonalizing society?

by  |  earlier

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With the introduction of automated responses -

and the use of computer driven language -

the use of familiar phrases -

is no longer believed.

"Sincerely" said the machine -

as if it had a heart.

"With kindest regards" -

as if feelings played the part.

No wonder - we respond -

to the lifelessness of the machine ♥

This is in response to a posting made by Jellz;_ylt=Ah0yjvTofTMlxtcMjnbney8azKIX;_ylv=3

Also - what do you think of my first attempt at a pome?




  1. Bless you Lilly! Much respect poet lady.

  2. This is a treat, nice to see you on Q instead of A.

    At this point yahoo is taking a breather, can't get to Jellz posting.

    will try later.

    As to your question, I feel there is good and bad in everything of human

    design, I try to take the good and let the rest go.

    Kudos, to what you call a pome.

  3. Pome...or Converb? I find this absolutely fascinating, as I do believe that the machine is depersonlizing society, and yet I find myself here as often as possible, connecting with very real people in very real ways. It's a love hate relationship, but I'm not sure which way to swing yet. Is that permissable?

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