
Do you think the majority of Republicans are conservative solely because of religious beliefs?

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Do you think the majority of Republicans are conservative solely because of religious beliefs?




  1. No.  I don't consider myself very religious and I am a republican.  I don't believe in redistribution of wealth aka socialism.  That is the biggest reason that I am a republican.

  2. Probably not all but most that have a true relationship with God, more than likely are.

  3. No.  There are many conservative atheists and agnostics, we just don't make a big deal out of it.

  4. NO.

  5. There are 3 main wings in the republican party.

    The religious right (social conservatives)

    The fiscal conservatives along with libertarians

    The moderates

    But it seems the party has been paying most of it's attention mainly to the religious right, followed by the moderates, and all but ignoring the fiscal conservatives.

  6. No.  Conservatism believes in the ideals and institutions that made this country great.  Religion is but one of these institutions.

  7. No.  Some people are fiscally conservative and socially more liberal.  It varies...just like Democrats.

  8. No, many are physical conservatives.  Social conservatives are merely their tools.  

  9. well religion is a lot about brainwashing - the guys who blew up the twin towers were pretty religious too I think

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