
Do you think the math we're learning in school is going to take us anywhere in life?

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I'm firmly convinced majority of the math in school is useless and a waste of time. I don't see it taking me anywhere in life. My parents say it is important, my friends say it really depends what you want to do, and my music teacher agrees with me. I'm going into grade 11, so hopefully this will be my last year of math, i'm not bad at it, and i've excepted the fact that I have to learn it to graduate. This isn't a completely serious question, i'm bored and i'm just looking for opinions.




  1. someone once told me that math is so important because it teaches us logic. I didn't get too high in math myself but I'm constantly finding little things that I need it for. building a book case, how much paint I need for a room, how many tiles, working out my checkbook, if I want a big party for my 20th anniversary how much do I have to save at X interest rate.... it can go on and on.

  2. That's the attitude that many of your parent's generation had, so they paid no real attention to statistics, probability, growth rate calculation, interest calculation, basic algebra, and so on.  As a consequence, many of them are now dazed and confused that they cannot afford their mortgages....

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