
Do you think the media affects body image?

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  1. yes

  2. yes, i believe that that media does affect peoples body image. the reason is because young teenagers will see an actress who is thin and she will then want look just like that actress so she does what ever she can to get the body (even it means that she has to make herself sick).

    Body image for some people, mainly girls is a huge factor if she wants a guy to even look at her. Some girls believe that she will not be noticed unless she has a "perfect body" that any guy would just love to look at, which is usually she will be very thin and do anything in her power not to gain weight. She will run, she might not eat or she will eat and then she will then  just throw the food up (which then means that she is eating but she is not disgusting the food). Also what some girls might do is that she will eat but very small amounts and then she will drink that's of water (which gives them a false feeling that she is not hungry).

    Also when a girl believes that she is overweight its because whether a guy told her, the Doctor told her or she saw someone on t.v that was very tiny and she wants to be just like that actress. So again i will say that i believe that the media has a huge impact on the body image of girls.

  3. Yes I do. The media thinks that every woman should look like Beyonce, Halle Berry, Parish Hilton, Britney Spears etc... That is why so many young woman have low self esteem about themselves today because of the media.

  4. u could have been more spec with ur question.

    idk from ur question

  5. They would rather have the best looking people. Someone like Oprah Winfrey talks about it not mattering then has her diet guru on & makes a big deal out of beauty of certain celebrities & had a modeling show or a show where they go into a store & stop women & show then how to dress. Saying there bra isn't the right size or some other thing they need to improve. Republicans have the Barbie Doll look, yesterday "THe View" they put republican Elizebeth Hassel beck Next to John McCains wife & they looked like Barbie Dolls so this image has been around for 40 years & is still going strong with some. Yet these people would say it doesn't matter. Would Ann Coulter be on TV if she didn't look like a Barbie Doll?

  6. it depands on the person self esteem....but most of the time we try to look like people who already think that they look fat because of magiznes who pray on them and make their life a living h**l... its just a circle of distrection..

  7. Sadly, yes.

    The constant images that we are forced to deal w/ everyday via the TV, magazines, Videos and Games,....sure does put alot of pressure on society.  And sadly kids are the most vulnerable.

  8. Yes it does. We try to look like stars.

  9. No. I think it is the people you hang around that do.

  10. No,only if you let them brainwash into that type of foolish thinking.

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