
Do you think the media and people are too aggressive towards Obama?

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I'm not a liberal or anything but I've heard him being called the anti-Christ (yes, I really know people who think he is) and a Muslim and so on, everything about him is used to attack him.

Now I'm not very into US politics and I don't know his stances on various topics, but it seems that the media and people in general attack his characteristics and not his actual stances on political topics. Do you think people are over-dramatizing Obama?




  1. W has been called the anti-Christ for the last 8 years. It is an unfortunate fact that the majority of voters ignore the positives and vote based upon the negatives. That's American politics and it's gonna get alot worse before November.

  2. The people maybe.

    But the media? Heck no, thats their savior.

  3. The media aggressive toward Obama?  I don't think so, they are his number one cheering section.  Now maybe the Hillary Democrats are aggressive, and they will stay that way.

  4. i think it is just politics. any job where you are in the limelight, you are going to be judged and criticised

  5. obama rocks, i sure hope he wins over mccain.. everyone who likes him should vote for him on this page (and get a free gift card!!).

  6. This is just business as usual in politics in the US.  As most people have the attention span of a two year old, issues are too boring for the average person.  Attacks get attention and affect those who're receptive to them.  Besides, you'll have people who think he isn't getting enough scrutinty or that McCain is being treated worse, etc.  All in the eye of the beholder.

  7. Yes, but he can take it. Anyone who really pays attention to him knows he is a Christian & a man with the highest level of integrity. He is not for having the corporations owning the working class yet the people you see doing these things are working class people who listen to Fox news which the owner Rupert Murdock bought the republicans. He paid Newt Gingrich a fortune to have laws changed so that he could own as many radio stations & tv stations as he wanted which used to be against the law for a person who was not a USA citizen. So there is big money in keeping this ignorant people working for them. If they every started caring for themselves they would do research, trust their intuition & get out of that cult. Everytime you hear them say things you know aren't true you can see they don't like themselves.

  8. No!  The media has given him a total pass, and those that dislike him  only do because of his Marxist socialist beliefs...

  9. Not hardly when the he is the media's darling.

  10. The extremist lies about being the anti-Christ, a Muslim, a racist, socialist etc. are not being spread by the mainstream media. Those are usually spread by spineless anonymous people through e-mail hoaxes, blogs, and postings or hate filled extremist talk radio windbags. None of them are legitimate and only the ignorant believe them.

  11. You can't attack Obama's stances on political topics because they change almost weekly.

  12. Media? Uh-noooo. Obama's detractors have one thing going for them, HE gives them the Ideas. Unless I miss my guess most everything they say is true, else, they'd be sued for libel.

  13. I have noticed that most people who have been critical are McCain supporters.  They spend more time talking about Obama than they do their own canidate.

    If you ask most McCain supporters about where did they hear that he was a "socialist, marxist, racist, unpatriotic, muslim, etc and they will say from an unsourced email.

    I guess that means if I make something up comepletely in a email then I can spread lies to further my agenda.

    When I question them about believing unsourced emails they call me a stupid lib and avoid the question.  Its kind of funny because I tend to be a conservative democrat.

    The part I don't get is why vote McCain when Hillary didn't win?  Barack is very similar to Hillary in policies and McCain goes against everything Hillary represents.  

    It really speaks about the McCain supporters intelligence!

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