
Do you think the media is hiding many truths about Obama?

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How much money are the media getting from the middle east to support a muslim as president of the USA? There are so many things that they just ignore about Obama that make suspicious. In the past they have scrutinized every candidate but today they don't care anymore. they are all crazy for change that they don't care supporting a muslim who hates americans. How come obama has so much money for his campaign? Maybe coming from the saudis and Iran.

who knows since he keeps his secrets well coverd.




  1. Did you sign up yet? McCain needs a few more good men to protect his oil wells in Iraq.

  2. Seems there's no shortage of idiots in your house ;o)

  3. why would the media do that

  4. LOL

    This is the U.S. media we are talking about. The world's most talented propaganda machine.

    Considering Obama is neither white or a corporate billionaire I doubt the media is going through any pains to cover up anything negative.

    In fact by watching FOX news I would say the American media is going out of its way to bash Obama. McCain on the other hand they are showing a very gentle hand.

    Mind you I do not watch FOX news on TV. I just happen to see a few clips on youtube.

  5. maybe not everyone cares as much as you do about the fact a muslim is going for president, maybe they're supporting him because there's nothing about him to put them off.  

  6. it is not true.  The media is considered as 4th estate.  no one can buy the medias for money.  They are very bold to write, to bring truths etc.,we the people are purely depending the medias only.  Like all other people, obama is also one among  us.  A senator now contesting to the post of presidency.  what he is having to hide?  He is a open minded gentleman.  Do you know, that these medias are mostly critisized him, wrote against him, and tried to tarnish his image.  so, medias are not hiding anything.  it is my opinion, and accepting and rejecting my argument is your choice.

  7. Some will say it is because he is black. Some will say he is a terrorist. Some might even say it is because he is the Antichrist. All I can say is that he IS worthless cause they (Big Gov.) is in the process of making everyone who speaks their mind a terrorist. I am serious it is called the Patriot Act! The media bashed Dr. Ron Paul for no reason! He was the only candidate that was For Freedom! He wanted to give us our rights back! Our Freedom! As for the media and Osama they can both burn for all I care!  

  8. there is a liberal bias in the mainstream media...

    so someone like obama will always get an easier ride than someone like mccain

  9. Oh, you silly scared little white boy.  I feel bad for you.  It's narrow minded questions and un-truths like this that remind me why we SO desperately need to get the Republicans out of the White House!!  

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