
Do you think the media is in the tank for Obama due to the fact that the 3 news anchors are traveling with him

by Guest67192  |  earlier

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and didn't do that for McCain?




  1. It seems that way to me. The news always seems to lead with some kind of story about Obama. Then later in the newscast they may have some small story about McCain. It does seem biased to me.

    It that your real picture? WOW!

  2. The timing is a little different between the two men, and Obama's first visit to a war zone might be a little newsworthy.

    But if I worked in the McCain camp, I'd probably wonder if we were getting a fair shake.

  3. Different Folks Different Strokes.

  4. ABC, CBS, NBC and all of the cable news networks except FOX have been in the tank for Obama since before he announced his candidacy.  All of them act like it is a foregone conclusion that he will be President.  They try to assure this by pretending John McCain does not exist.

  5. Yes, so it seems.  Obama is acting more like a celebrity than a political candidate.

    Vote Sane, Vote McCain.  2008.

  6. Nothing unusual about media having high interest in young black politician who may become 1st black president during very difficult time for the country. Personally I would be surprised if the media doesn't like Obama this much. Obama's run for presidency is more like fairy tale story where as for McCain its just old news.

  7. well at least now we are getting to know Obama.

  8. I think the news media and especially the anchors (ABC, NBC, CBS) have a certain propensity to follow those with liberal values more  than conservative values.  Sometimes this bias can be overcome by the need to follow a story because of it's news value or ratings value (i.e., they point to coverage of a conservative view and we are supposed to pee our pants and say thank-you like good little children).

    But, in this case, it's legitimate to ask, "are they  great journalists following a hot news story" (i.e., they're doing their job) or do they want Obama to win the election" (i.e., using their celebrity and air time, inappropriate for an 'objective' news reporter to do)? And don't give me this , Hannity, O'reilly, etc. bit, they are commentators just like what's their name? on MSNBC, with bias, not exalted objective news reporters.

    Frankly, if I were one of them and had any integrity (or perhaps backbone) I would not cover the trip personally. I would tell my boss it smacks of pandering at best and election rigging at worst. The 'heads' of the three networks are worse than their hirelings.  They literally don't care how it's perceived because they know the perception can be spun.  And, they know, after all, like the liberal democrats, what is best for you. I am sorry, I don't buy it.

    This is an extraordinary event, the three network news anchors — NBC's Brian Williams, CBS's Katie Couric and ABC's Charles Gibson showing a lack of integrity that is unprecedented in news reporting. (Yes, I think this is worse than Dan Rather's reporting of the President's service. Rather would 'rather' rely on his reporting than the facts).

    Granted, there are lots of excuses and rationalizations on why they are covering Obama on this trip and why they did not cover McCain's last three trips with such high profiled "news reporters."  However, an objective news organization would have sent a real reporter to cover the trip and not a (set of) high priced, high profile pseudo-journalist.

  9. 90% of the media is in the tank with Obama. The three network stations (ABC, CBS, NBC) are in the top 3 out of 4 major news networks that are in bed with him. Despicable. I always say, don't tell people what to think, tell them what to think about.

  10. They follow him around like a lost puppy dog.  It's really pathetic.

  11. Yes, the media favors Obama. Too bad the electorial college votes the president in, not we the people. Dewey found that out when he ran against Truman. Gore found that out when he lost to Bush. Nixon found out when he lost to JFK

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