
Do you think the media will ever begin telling the truth or continue to distort every thing they say?

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these people dont want to hear the truth."the truth will set you free but 1st it will make you miserable"thats the medias motto so they hide anything that may help people so it can cause more discontent therefore more news.They should be thrown off the airwaves. it makes me sick that they presume they are the authority on everything.what really gets me its kinda like "wresteling",most of it is fake & everyone knows it yet they draw big crowds & make big $$$$$.




  1. Plain ole news can get boring so just like everything else America has turned the news into a reality show with nothing but promotional B*** S***

  2. The big fat answer to your question is - NO, the Media will never always tell the truth.  Its not always financially viable for them to do so.  Simple as!

  3. It's called yellow journalism--so long as people have a perplex mind this is something that will always be--But ONLY you can determine what you believe is true-but then again-just because you believe it's true doesn't mean that it is and vice versa. Good luck with turning the world to honesty.

  4. distort nuff said

  5. It will stay distorted.

  6. Media has made the news more a matter of entertainment or sensationalism, whatever will draw the crowds and build the ratings. Have to search for bits of truth in it.

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