
Do you think the media will stop all these foolish attacks on Palin's children after she humiliated them last?

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  1. Well, I believe she has humiliated her children enough, but it is her call.

  2. Honestly? No, The liberal media can't stand a strong, intelligent, beautiful and conservative woman!  

  3. I don't think they will because the media is evil and wicked. However, Her family has " typical American" written all over them.  People are gonna fall in love with that family and the 2 younger ones were adorable. Obama;s family looked fake and like robots.

  4. unfortunately no.

  5. I doubt it as the media gets there teeth into something they hang on like a pit bull.  

  6. Whelp, they haven't. Readin thru the AP articles this AM...they grudgingly gave her points, but still had to bring up negatives and reiterate positives about Obama. And the last line of every article was always a jab at MCCain & Palin.

    So much for unbiased reporting.

  7. On the contrary, the media humiliated Palin's speech with facts.  See the link below.

  8. I hope not

    she deserves the attacks for her foolish parading of children for her own political gain

  9. NO

  10. Umm she did what?? humiliated the media?? if that was one of the points she was trying to hit last night, then she's been in alaska for too long..

  11. She humiliated herself.  She is under investigation, and she is the one who uses her children for political gain, making them a news issue.

  12. I do hope the foolish attacks which are not being carried out by any of the major media by the way,will stop! The media should not however give her or the GOP a pass when she flat out lies as she did in her speech last night! She humiliated no one but herself ! In less than two years she requested nearly 750 million dollars in special federal spending( EARMARKS!! ) which is by far the largest per-capita in the nation! Sure sounds like a smaller government Republican to me! Oh and by the way that bridge she now brags about being against. She only dropped her official state support once she and the state of Alaska were severely embarrassed by that evil national press. This women is nothing more than another "do as I say , not as I do politician". Rather than being a "breath of fresh air" she is simply the same type of Bush/McCain Republican we have been seeing for years.

  13. well, she humiliates herself with her redneck smarts doesn't she???

  14. The media has apologized.

  15. humiliated?  The women did not speak on anything of importance.  Where was the talk of solutions on the war, education, healthcare,economy, job loss?  Her speech had no substance, no direction, no solutions.

  16. Nominated as a Vice-Presidantial Candidate,......How Humiliating For Her Children............LOL.....!!

  17. Every time she seem to speak she humiliate her daughter.

  18. actually this got Sarah Palin a lot of sympathy votes..I don't know if it will be enough to help but it sure bodes the Barack Obama campaign a big black eye (oops .is black eye offensive?)

  19. Which did she humiliate - the media or her children?

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