
Do you think the more screwed up the person is - the less ethics they have?

by Guest62640  |  earlier

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I mean to even go round hurting , deceiving and betraying family members and 'friends' without any remorse and even trying to justify their actions?




  1. It's normally because they are very lonely, they don't have any true  friends and they don't get on with there family, because the way they are, they try to look big so that people will think that they don't care, when they are hurting people and deceiving there family, but they do care because they are jealous of how other people get on wit each other.

  2. I do not think it is screwed up, it is just evil. Evil people hurt others to benefit themselves.

    Good people help others to benefit themselves. Every personal and business relationship should benefit both individuals.

    Evil people are a danger of life like any other danger, and the sooner one learns to be alert for this danger, the better.

  3. Actually, in many cases it can be the opposite.

    In some cases people who have mental illnesses, breakdowns, or whom have experienced a traumatic event can obsess over ethic or morality as a diversion technique to occupy their mind and actions. For example, a Christian who has a traumatic experience or a breakdown may become obsessed about following dogma to the point of distraction.

    The same can be true of people with illnesses such as schizophrenia. Obsessive moralizing is just a different form of things like obsessive hand washing. It's not a bout hygiene, or moralizing, it's about diversion.

  4. Oh yeah, definitely.

    You can't expect ethics or proper behavior from a liar/murderer and so on.

  5. Definitely, a person with ethics wouldn't purposely deceive people and would be remorseful about hurting others.

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