
Do you think the name "Agnes" is appropriate to name my daughter in this day & age? ?

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My husband wanted to name our daughter after his mother Agnes...

I just feel it is a very old name, and I am worried it would not fit well today.

What do you think?




  1. no

  2. i agree that it sounds old


  4. It might be appropriate as a middle name, but I would not put it as a first name.  Your daughter, I'm afraid, would get made fun of and might be mad at you for naming her Agnes.  If your husband really wold like this name, as a middle name, then I would recommend the name be Julia (nn: Jewles) or Abigail (sp. differs for your preference on Abigail).

    Good luck and congrats! :)

  5. If your having an 89 year old.

  6. As others said, I would use it as a middle name.  Or, could you do a longer first name that kind of incorporates Magdaline?

  7. i hate it

  8. It's better as a middle name. It's too old fashioned, and she'd probably be ridiculed for it. It would be a decent middle name, though. Try talking him into that.

  9. i'd use it as a middle name. the daughter would get made fun of in school...

  10. well i A don't know how to say it so that might offect my opinion but old name are unique and thats why most people choose them but it might also be a good choce for a middle name

  11. You can use it as a middle name.  The names Agnes has me thinking of a nerd, geek and a goofy girl with big black glasses.  lol

  12. In my opinion, I think "Agnes" sounds a little too old.

    Maybe Agniana, Agnia, Agnessa, Agnalyn, Agnelle, Agenelle, or Agenella if you would like a more creative variative of "Agnes" that doesn't sound so outdated.

  13. No- it's pretty enough, but very old.  

  14. Well, with names like "Pilot Inspektor" and "Nevaeh", Agnes is a very reasonably, and even pretty name!

    Agnes means "Holy" - which is a very attractive idea.

    Nicknames include: Agnie, Aggie, Nessie, Aggy and Nessy - All of which would work well in today's society :-)

    And while Agnes hasn't been on the SSA's top 1000 since 1972 (when it ranked #986), it was once a very popular name (ranking as high as #37!), and has been steadily on the list from 1880 until 1972. It has recently fallen from use, true - but that makes it a LOT more attractive to people trying to find unique names for their children that aren't out-there.

    Plus, having a story behind the name creates a special meaning for the child - I am named after my father's mother, and I love the link to the past (all the more meaningful because I was never able to meet my grandmother).

    All I'm trying to say is to not let what is trendy rule what you think a name ought to be. Give Agnes a chance to grow on you, and respect your husbands wanting to honor his mother. If nothing else, maybe it could be a middle name (even if it means having 2 middle names).

    Best of luck :-)

  15. You could use it backwards (maybe as a middle name), Senga, but that's a little... out there o_o

  16. I have to agree with you. It seems terribly old fashioned. What about Addison, Avalie(Ava lee), or Allie?

  17. There's no such thing as a name that's too old. Agnes is lovely and will age well. You could always use it as a middle name.

  18. I prefer Agatha, but I think it's perfectly fine, and Aggie is an ADORABLE nickname!!

  19. I know quite a few Agnes', all happen to be short for Agnieszka but suit all of them well. They're between the ages of 15 and 25; and 4 of them go by Agnes 99% of the time. I also really like the name.

  20. I would use it as a middle name....

  21. If you want to use it, try a different pronunciation of it. I know in french, Agnes is pronounced very pretty. Or try and see what other names Agnes translates into. What is your husbands mother's middle name? That is another way to go...or use her maiden name.

  22. What are you after?  Some people want very common sounding names to feel like they fit a bit better.  Some go with what they want.  I think that if you and your husband like Agnes, then what should we care.  I myself was named Clara.  It is not a common name like Agnes.  You find it in old age homes and on grave stones.  But, a couple years ago, there started to be a light sprinkling of the name.  Surprised me.  I spent my life knowing that people would comment that Clara was the girl in the Nutcracker ballet at Christmas time.  But, that did not bother me because I thought the little girl was magical.

  23. I always think of Agnes as an old lady name.... The decision is ultimately up to you and your husband though. Good Luck with your baby girl! Congratulations... : )

  24. if its a family name then maybe..but its a little dated..and has a negative connotation.

  25. i don't really like it but you could compromise and name her aggie or something along those lines?

  26. I think Agnes will make a prefect middle name

    My daughter middle name is my mom's middle

    I knew I would use Elizabeth as the first or middle name

    My mom went by Betty, short for Elizabeth

    My husband did not like Elizabeth as a first name, so I got Elizabeth as the middle, I got to name my daughter after my mom, that died when I was ten

    I think middle names are a great way of naming a child after a love one

  27. My great-aunt is named Agnes, and my grandmother is named Inez they told me the names are the same except Inez is spanish,and Agnes is Greek. I like Inez better, but its still a little 'different'... They both mean 'Pure'  so I'll add a link of all names with the same meaning as Agnes, and maybe you will like one of those better.

  28. maybe considering to use it as a middle name.. it is an old name not good for a first name.

  29. While I agree that Agnes would do very well as a middle name, it is pretty enough. If your husband really wanted it, you could compromise by calling her Aggie. However, depending on your last name and the child's personality, Agnes can sound very spunky. Personally I wouldn't use it, but there are ways to make it work. Besides- if you gave her a cute middle name, she could always use that name and Agnes could just be the 'official' name.

    Hope I helped.  

  30. As long as you pair it with a more feminine, graceful name, because Agnes is a little harsh.

    Agnes Marie or Agnes Vivienne for example.

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