
Do you think the next logical ample jump in the human psyche is the acceptance and study of parapsychology?

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Do you think the next logical ample jump in the human psyche is the acceptance and study of parapsychology?




  1. Parapsychology works off of grants in the university system to further itself, it has to get the grants. It is more of a financial thing than a true or false thing.

    Will there be enough money interest in a certain subject to bring  it to a science? probably not because it cannot be provend to be true and it cannot be proved to be false, just like believing in god, either you do or you don't .

  2. No.

    The next big leap will come after the quantum gravity experiments at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) have been performed.  We're right on the verge of some breath-taking discoveries that have the potential to revolutionize human thought.

    Magic crystals, ghost stories, ESP, and sniffing incense just don't measure up.  

    Come onnnn.

  3. I can't believe you've asked this silly question 4 times.How embarrassing for you.The answer is no.

  4. How can you reconcile your use of the word logical, in the same sentence as the word parapsychology? Except of course to say: "There are several logical explanations for a persons believe in parapsychology, the first being that they are incredibly stupid and do not have the least understanding of the Scientific Method."

    I hope this helps.

  5. It's hard to say really. When I think of the human psyche and it's horizon I think of two things. My nose and my halo.

    Or more specifically my sense of smell and the AMAZING affects it has on me. One whiff of something can present memories to you with all the same grand emotions that memory contained 50 years ago. A memory you didn't even know you had lodged in there.

    Which brings me to this halo business. And what is a halo but a light ...or a glow? Sometimes you can easily catch glimpses of this glow when someone is happy or flashes you a bright smile.

    Tom Robbins explains this in his book Jitterbug Perfume as high energy levels in the brain.

    When someone is using all aspects of their brain that they possibly can they have a real energy that permeates from their head. That's how "mad scientists" get the electricity hair.

    So I'm not sure if I answered your question or not but that's what I think of which could possibly be the beginnings of a union between parapsychology and our basic understanding of things.

  6. No, I think it is quantam physics.  Consider watching "What the Bleep Do We Know?"

  7. Does not compute.

    Clearly you are residing on a higher astral plane than the rest of us lowly mortals. Kudos to you!

  8. I think I can. Most likely most people who are deceased have already accepted this position into their psyche.  There's also Remote Viewing to look into which the governments supposedly have used in the past and presently to psychically spy on their enemies. The US government has supposedly stopped it's funding of this project. As far as I understand this project was started long before they have ever admitted it. This project and use of it may have originally been taught to the military by extraterrestrials or in particular for their hybrid or cross-species race.

  9. The Human Psyche is a huge mystery, There are people that still believe that the moon landing was faked and that the earth is hollow, so there will always (at least if the past is any clue) be people with opposite views.

    That said the

    Parapsychological Association

    has been an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1969

    (unlike any skeptics organization)

    Parapsychology is already studied and is already has established itself officially as a science.

    Want to see the human psyche at work watch the bad ratings from all the skeptics because I dare to provide people with information.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  10. Not necessarily. Haven't we've already seen the question posted multiple times already? Deja vu or short term memory problem...

  11. If you're taking a poll, I'm with Walter - it is not logical

  12. No.  That  wouldn't be logical at all.

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