
Do you think the next president will actually make a difference with positive effects?

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solving health care, retirement, education, rebuilding New Orleans, US economy, immigrant issues, value of the dollar, unrecognized/unhonored Native American/American veterans, race/religion issues, g**s, poverty, Environmental problems, and natural & renewable resource

and world issues

Iraq, Russia/Georgia, Darfur, China/Tibet, cuba... and the other stuff

its a lot to take on




  1. Only if that person expects to be shot and killed!

  2. I hope so.  

  3. We are electing a president, not the king of the world.

    Government has never solved one single problem. In fact, government caused or contributed to most of the problems you listed. And will cause more until the people wake up.

  4. nothing ever changes in american politics.

  5. Who knows - I hope so. Anyone is bound to be better than Bush

  6. No president can make a change with out the help of the House of Representatives or the United States Senate


    All a president can do is


    put before them what he or maybe some day she would like to put into effect as to the way any of the internal policies of the country are handled


    And few of them if ever are put into effect are in the state that they were put on the floor to vote upon


    So No president can make much of a change by them selves they need the help of the two houses of government to do so


    And any external policy making of the United States and foreign policy is alway up for grabs as to what will be next on the chopping block of the press


    So on this part of the question No He or maybe again some day she will not make much of a impact on the way other countries do their operation of things


    The United States is not the only country in the world that is effected by the way some country does things in a negative way


  7. I doubt it.  There would have to be so many radical changes that they would be virtually impossible to be voted into effect.  Secondly, the wheels are already moving, it is going to be hard (for any of the candidates) to change things.  For example, even if we start drilling off the U.S. shores, we wouldn't even see a drop of oil for seven years.

  8. May be ! may be not.The next president will make society better or worse we can not predict  

  9. We can only hope in this case, To my knowledge Bush has been making things worse as times go by.  Why was the whole situation about voting for same s*x marriage more important then Taxes?  Or the Economy.  It shouldn't even have been an issue, let bygones be bygones, being married to someone doesn't affect the president nor the country in any way.  

    My point is, as long as the next president keeps in mind what the main Values and whats important in their mind instead of caring about things that don't affect the world, I am sure he/she would do a great job.

    And if America stops being hypocritical about things... that would also make things a lot better.  

    I highly doubt the next president will be able to solve or even help any more then half of those problems in 4 years, it will take decades to fix all the problems that have been created in the last 8 years.

    My idea, solve a problem one by one and not all of them at once.  Solve your own problems before getting into other countries and solving theirs.  It just makes things worse, and it looks bad to other countries seeing the States going down hill while going into other countries and making it worse.

  10. Look at history...more of the same I'm afraid..

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