
Do you think the number of non-nationals in ireland has dropped or is it only me?

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Do you think the number of non-nationals in ireland has dropped or is it only me?




  1. It's only you. The number is rising all the time.

  2. its only you, i'm from the north by christ can i get regular work? fuc'k no!  but i was born in belfast and i'll die in belfast i aint moving nowhere. when i'm lucky enough to have work on site its a heart breaking thing to tell a fellow irishman looking for work that theres no work on this site because the immigrants have taken all the jobs.  cheap unskilled labour, they make a dogs d**k out of the simpliest task and i'm the bloke turning away brickies of 40 years because the MD wont pay the going rate.  i cant wait till the celtic tiger gets shot. i'll be out of a job but a lot of greedy b******s will be on the bread line too.

  3. Where I live we are surrounded by them, My next door neighbours is Polish on the next Road there are Czechs. On the different Roads there are Poles Latvians Romanians Lituaneans , Indians. I think that now the Building work is slowing down a lot of them are travelling around looking for work, Going down the Country, up North , over to Britain, and some coming and going to Poland. There are a lot of British Workers sub contracted by ESB and Bord Gas as well as Foreign workers digging up Roads etc. They are sending their Children to our Schools as well,I sometimes think  they are Irish until I hear them Talking Polish  and Czech.  A lot of them seem to be settling in and like it here and do not want to Leave.

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