
Do you think the olympic game have value in today's world?

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Tell me , whats your opion?For example.. Do you think they are cheating in the races by taking drugs? What do you think of the olympic games comparing the last few years..Is it still fun?

If you want 10 points give your opion not brefly... thanks




  1. Obviously ChrisNee doesn't know jack, because athletes who miss tests are not allowed to compete--they're basically treated as though they failed their tests.  Quit talking your made-up c**p.

    Yes, the Olympics have value.  These athletes are tested like lab rats, and they go out there and put on great performances.  Athletes in most sports, from Tour de France to the National Football League, are doped up out of their minds, but the testing is far weaker than in the Olympics.

    If anything, the Olympics hold more value than European soccer or American football.

  2. Have you ever attended a competition where people from different places attend? There is a wonderful unifying affect.

    It is the same with the Olympic Games. It's a fantastic opportunity for the world to get together. To share in sport.

    If you don't believe it has that affect - you only have to look at the practices in the business world - they call the same thing "Team building." Bonding if you like.

    I am against all boycotts of the games by any country. For the simple reason that the games serve to pull the world together - to see each other in a different light. And if there are troubles in the world - all the more reason to attend the games - and try and heal relations.

  3. I think they definitely have a place in the world today. There is so much negative stuff going on everywhere at the moment,that it is nice to sit back and watch countries try to win on the sporting arena rather than trying to blow each other up!

    It is a shame that drugs have taken over sport and we can only hope that the majority of cheats are caught out.

    I love those countries that send 5 or 6 athletes along and they keep sending them time and again even though they never win a medal. Shows some serious pride in their country!

  4. They get tested after races. You dont watch the olympics, im guessing

  5. Since you are talking about Athletics, Athletics hasn't started yet so IDK. In Beijing; there's one Spanish cyclist was caught using drugs.

    For the doping sense; Olympics are better dealing with dopers than say MLB.

    It is fun. I'm still hung over that US miraculously beat the French. Unbelievable race and one of the golden-est moments in a slew of moments in Beijing.

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