
Do you think the other woman left a lasting impression on my husband?

by  |  earlier

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While away for business, my husband cheated on me and lived with another woman for 3 months. She was really traditional. She cleaned up after him, cooked for him, massaged him. I saw a video and he was having s*x with her and she was calling him "Master." Now he is back with me and he is acting like a king. I don't really do any of that stuff she did, i dont know why he expects it now. Do you think that other woman messed with his mind, and now he has weird ideas of what the ideal woman should be? Do you think he got attached to how she treated him?




  1. Women should know their place, sounds like this one did.  You could probably take lessons from her.

  2. Dang! You must be desperate for a man! So sad.  

  3. he is acting like a king, b/c he thinks he is  and you taking him back is making it worse.. show him you have some pride in yourself and leave his sorry butt !!!!!!!!!  

  4. Do you think she is the ideal woman ? Or did he say she was ? This sounds more like a fantasy you made up . You woman know you want to serve us its in your blood to do so .    

  5. She only did what most wives do for their husbands except that s*x thing. What do you do for your husband and why does he stay with you you must do something he likes or he wouldn't come back to you. You make it sound like those things she did for him wasn't normal and i think you better start taken better care of your husband if you want him to stay around.

  6. Why are you still with him? kids? Money? No wonder he feels like a King.  

  7. It doesn't matter how much you try to be like her or try to please him - he's going to cheat on you with someone else - and she won't be the same as the last woman - she'll have intresting new qualities all of her own and he'll love them too. Face it, your husband chooses a new flavour whenever he gets bored and he'll always get bored - because he doesn't know how to value the special intimacies of a long-term relationship. The fact that he's not on his knees acting like a slave and treating you like a queen and trying to CHANGE FOR YOU shows that he feels no real remorse. The reason he's acting like a king is because he feels really smug that he's got away with it and you'll take him back. It makes him feel invincible, irresistible and manly. He knows he's got it good and he's proud of himself for what he's done - it makes him feel more like a man - his twised idea of what a man is - someone who  has women falling at his feet and worshipping him even when he treats them like dirt. He's a cruel and sick individual and he's not a husband by any definition of the word. He doesn;t have a heart to fight for. Find a man who will make you feel special and knows how to work for you - you and only you.

  8. Tell him he can have her...Move on with someone who loves you for you. This is strange

  9. Kick his *** out. What he has done unforgettable. And not has he just cheated on you he want's you to treat him like the king. Kick his *** out I say.....

  10. do you not realize that people can see all the questions that you've posted on here you idiot.  are ya 23 or 15? live at home with your parents or husband?  is he dying or just now home from a business trip?  get a life

  11. He probably did get used to it, but don't you dare change for him unless you don't like the person you are now.  If you feel that you were a good wife, don't let HIS idea of what a wife should be dictate what you feel a wife should be.  There are men out there that would treat you will love , with respect, and would not cheat on you.  This man will probably cheat again.

    He is blackmailing you with the thought of him leaving in order to coerce you into doing exactly what he wants.  Don't ever let a man have that much control over you.  Tell him that HE is not what you want and leave, if he is making you feel insecure about yourself.

  12. that's no husband......and this is only your fantasy.

  13. I have no idea why he came back to you when he had all that.

    Does he have a life insurance on you?

  14. your probably not going to like my answer...

    Who cares!!!

    he is with you and don't let it bother you,  really he's lucky your even with him at all if you start to care then he can mold you into what he wants and were is your happiness in it.

    Do yourself a favor be yourself and yourself only and if he doesn't like it their is always someone out their to love you for who you are and you don't need him love is love not need!!!

  15. And why are you still with the scum-bag?  Good grief, girl...get a life on your own..who needs him?  He is DIRT!!!

  16. well it sounds like it, but if that's the case, why wouldn't he stay with her if she treated him like that. and btw, ur with him because?

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