
Do you think the peace will last in northen ireland?

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Do you think the peace will last in northen ireland?




  1. no, irish men like to fight and find any reason to do so.

  2. Not for another one hundred years.

  3. We don't know.

    At the moment, at least we have the best preconditions in a very long time: the 2 most radical parties of Unionism and Nationalism have just formed a power-sharing gouvernment.

    All the S(h)inners accepted their ministerial office in Irish first, and Stormont is still standing, the sky did not cave in, and there was not even a very quiet "boo" from the Unionists.

    Ian Paisley kept talking about Martin McGuiness as "my deputy" and none of them batted an eyelid. Paisley and MCGuiness were even seen talking together. In PUBLIC!

    For the moment, all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds, at least in Northern Ireland, and let's all hope it will stay that way.

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