
Do you think the people who say that homosexuality is a choice are a little bisexual?

by Guest59124  |  earlier

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Because, assuming that they think it is a choice, they had to "choose" to only accept their heterosexual attractions over their homosexual ones.




  1. No I think theyre 100% straight which is why they have no clue!!!

  2. Ya know, that really makes sense.  I LIKE that theory!!  Yes, I think you may be right!!  :@)

  3. No.  

  4. More likely they haven't been there.

  5. No not really.  

  6. Good one! That's a first...and i like you're thinking. Yeah...really, when did you choose to be straight? haha.  

  7. haha good question! makes sense...never thought of it that way!

  8. Oh, I definately think that they are just a little bisexual themself too. And are just trying to cover up those feelings by hating on us.  

  9. No they're ****** idiots unable to accept the q***r thoughts and feelings they may have sometimes. They p**s me the **** off. If we chose to be g*y than clearly they chose to be straight and can just as easily turn g*y whenever they want.  

  10. Yeah, they're just projecting their problems with themselves onto people like us.

  11. I don't think all of them are but a few definitely are. I saw this website once where they put homosexuality, p**n addiction, and disorder in the same sentence then claimed you could change your ways. They had a video of people who had "turned straight". Some people are such big homophobes that they deny who they are.

  12. i agree. we dont 'choose' it. its not like a game of jeopardy. and i dont think that people who say that are bisexual. bisexual people want to have s*x and relationships with boys and girls.  

  13. No I just think that theyre straight and they havent experienced any different, so theyre thinking that g*y people chose to be that way, hoping theyll change back and be straight just like them..  

  14. Those who choose chocolate over vanilla do so because they know the taste of both.

    If someone thinks that sexual orientation is a choice, then they must have sampled both same-s*x and opposite-s*x, chocolate and vanilla. If they have not sampled both, they have shown that sexual orientation is not a choice.

  15. You bring a very good point, I think people that say that is a choice don't know their *** hole from hole in the ground! and could have g*y or L*****n feels but are so afraid to go to h**l that they suppress their g*y or L*****n feels.

  16. I believe you always choose who you have s*x with.  Your sexual orientation is molded by yourself.  You might not choose if you are attracted to children but you still choose if you will act on those feelings.
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