
Do you think the petrol increases could end up with no cars on the road?

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Do you think the petrol increases could end up with no cars on the road?




  1. h**l no. The Northern European countries have been paying $7 to $8 a gallon for years. They learned to adapt and so will we.

    I'm not giving up my Dodge Pick up!

  2. Yes it will soon be cheaper for us to buy rockets and fuel them instead! lol

  3. No....People like myself need to be mobile..

    I am a self employed decorator, and cannot imagine getting ladders on to public

  4. No, we just carry on!

    Not so long ago fuel went to £1.00 per GALLON and loads of people said they would never drive again - cigarettes also went to a pound a packet as well at the same time. In time it makes no difference.

    There isn't  going to be some magical manifestation of cheap convenient public transport so just keep on driving!!

  5. No,

    Unfortunately, life is too complex to be without transportation for individuals.

    Thats what is so sick with the british government, they know people have no choice but to pay the higher prices for fuel, its called EXTORTION.

    Did you know one gallon of petrol in the USA (in equivalent sterling prices) is around 1 - 2 pounds  and the same gallon in the uk is between 6 - 7 pounds?

    The same oil came from the same hole in the ground and we are not being ripped off, we are being SHREDDED.

    A soldier i was sitting on a plane with explained to me that the Iraq crisis was primarily to oust an evil and potentially dangerous dictator, but also very importantly, to secure future oil  supplies to the west so that we were not held to ransom and economically controlled by such an evil and dangerous dictator such as Saddam Hussein.....

    Basically, the price of oil has destabilised the worlds economies since that conflict and now i feel saddened that our fine and gallant men and women who died for this cause, did so for nothing as the price of oil is now almost out of reach.


    Its safer to say cars will exist forever but our rights as consumers are well and truly DEAD.

  6. We drive too much anyway!  Maybe it will make people think twice before they make would be better with less traffic!

  7. There would still be rich people with cars even if the majority could no longer afford it

  8. I don't think soo.

  9. No the increase in price will always be absorbed as will the price of cigarettes and alcohol something else will give before people abandon their cars give up drinking or smoking the governments depends on it.

  10. NO!

    They will NOT price themselves out of business.  The point of raising prices is for MORE profit. Eventually enough people will cut back on driving and their profit will drop.  Then the oil company will reverse and drop the price little bit - and reach a equilibrium.

    If you were selling lemonade on really hot day, and you realized you can raise your prices, would you keep raising prices BEYOND what people will pay?  No of course not.

    Good Luck...

  11. no long way off  yet  but less cars would be good

  12. I think a lot of people forget that some families, simply have to own a car.  When you live in the middle of the country and there is no public transport how else are you going to get about?

  13. That'll never happen.

    We could use our cars less if the government got to grips with our diabolical public transport system.

    I think we'll increase our car journeys if anything. For one thing it won't be long before all shops will be on the outskirts of the cities.

  14. no but its a lovely thought. imagine the peace,  the clean air and slim fit people walking or cycling everywhere. healthy people too because they wouldnt be so keen to nip out for a take away if they had to walk through the rain.

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