
Do you think the police should of released the case files of the Madeleine investigation

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Do you think that the Madeleine case should of been fully released




  1. No, I don't see any point in doing that.  We do need to keep some privacy for people.  The case files are for the investigators to use in trying to find Madeleine.  It's not the public's right to read all the gory details.  

  2. if you go to the three arguidos site you can read it there.

  3. When the public are made fully aware of just what has taken place, I think moods will change as far as the Mc Canns are concerned.

  4. In spite of the fact that the McCanns have never actually been charged with anything they have amassed the most powerful legal team to defend an uncharged private individual in the history of the legal profession.They have been avidly pawing over the documents since last Thursday with a veiw to prosecuting the PJ for incompetence.Any such prosecution will however mean that the McCanns will be called to the witness stand and be subjected to cross examination under oath by a barrister.I personally believe that they will not wish to subject themselves to scrutiny and will not therefore bring any charges against the PJ. It was the McCanns themselves who requested the release of the files.Surely you are not suggesting that they would want anything hidden from the public are you.They have been saying all along that lack of information was hindering the search for Maddie.

  5. no, there is no need for joe public to know everything. instead of reading things like that and deciding if her parents are guilty of this and that, they should be keeping a look out for madeleine

  6. yes i do   my heart and my prayers are  with kate &gerry mccann

    i think the public have a right to read what was in the files especially

    how the case was dealt with right from the very start.

  7. Yes - the McCanns have been calling for it for so long whilst decrying the Portuguese police so lets see the media go to town and the inconsistencies in their statements and those of the tapas party!!

    Maybe it will give some indication as to why the McCanns refused to answer further police questions or help with a reconstruction making them so unique amongst parents of missing children!!!

  8. Joe  and Joanne Public paid millions for the year-long investigation that the the main suspects continued to subvert.  The taxpayers have the right to know what they paid for.

  9. Yes I do. it's the only way people are going to find out the truth because we certainly won't find it from the lying parents that's for sure!

  10. Maybe this information will get to the truth of what happened.

    The parents keep saying they aren't allowed to say anything - well, at least we get the PJ version, including the 48 questions K Mccann refused to answer.

    We also get pictures which show it would be just about impossible for an abductor to carry a struggling Madeleine over the cots with the twins in and through the window, and then pull the (noisy) shutters down behind himself.

    Will the parents speak up against all this damning evidence??

  11. Yes I do.  The McCanns have had things covered up to suit them for too long.

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