
Do you think the present form of democracy with the current system of election abetting corruption?

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Do you think the present form of democracy with the current system of election abetting corruption?




  1. Hello

    Every day corrupted people are taken to Police Station and they are come back on Bail.

    No change in this world.

    When a person not changed him self, nothing will changed in this world.

  2. Democracy is a term used to make us feel warm and fuzzy.

    We are a Socialist Republic.  

    The current systems of elections is corrupt and does not give the true voice of America, IE the people a true say in who gets elected.

    And the only way we will ever become a democracy is with a 2nd American Revolution.

    People have the power, if they would just get off their lazy butts, inform the politicians that should you not change your ways of doing business, we will do what our founding fathers did.

    And then do it.

    An armed human is a citizen and free man, an unarmed citizen is a slave.  Don't believe that?  Ask a German Jew of 1930's.

    Oh wait there aren't that many left.

  3. delegates and super delegates is some BS. The only vote that should count is the popular vote, otherwise special interest groups with money could get whomever they wanted elected...corruption is a good word.

  4. We are not a democracy, even though they tell us we are, but we were founder as a republic. To the republic for which we stand...

  5. Is ours a democracy at all! People (the mostly numbered rural people) have got their own constrains to vote for the candidate of the man he is obliged or to refer for something or by his threat (the most often cases). Indian people in average are so ignorant that they even keep themselves mum even seduced by muscle/money powered person. Continuity of illiteracy is the main cause, and the so called patriots for votes have hardly any real interest to make people aware of their rights through proper education. 60 plenty years have been washed away and we are still proud to be one of the world's most illiterate country. Corruption is thereby the right of the strongerpersons as most are made to be desi-slaves till date.

    Many many thanks for your question.

  6. The corrupt always undermine the honest.  The leaders don't fix things.

    The People have to be more vigilant.  But...

    They're too lazy.

  7. 1000%

    Few hrs back I heard someone saying that the govt. should ask people whether they are interested in voting or not. Those people who are interested in it should have rights to vote in election. It should be treated as a criminal offence if the person showed interest in voting & has not voted.

    This voting should be done through the thumb impression on a computer with a scanner so that no bogus voting will be possible results will be there within few hrs.

    The parties should tie up before election on election manifesto.

    The group with maximum votes should sit in N.Delhi irrespective of majority.

  8. The current system of election has nothing to do with corruption.  

    To put this statement another way is that the present election system, because of the way the election process is organized, in and of itself does not cause corruption, corruption if it exist, exist because of the personalities and character of the candidates. Corruption is not popular with the public, so candidates tend to shun away from any hint of corruption!!!!!

    The most opportunistic policy with regard to this problem is campaign finance. A lot of money goes for media such as radio and television ads. If the airwaves which are owned by the people of the United States were made available for free advertising to inform the public about their positions on the issues, much of this problem would go away very quickly!!!!!


  9. A bit.

    The system's not perfect, but it's more perfect than any other system that's been used so far.

    It would help if spending limits were placed on individual candidates - Canada gets by with something like $185,000 per candidate, I don't know why the US has to spend half a billion to get someone elected.

  10. Chelsea Clinton works for a hedge fund, whose founder is a big contributor to Hillary's campaign. They specialize in buying up foreclosed real estate and bankrupt companies, then sell at a profit.

    With this economy in such bad shape I don't know how Chelsea's firm can afford to be without her as she campaigns for her mother.

    As the economy tanks, the fortunes of the Clinton's grow and grow and grow.

    It's the perfect scam. Create business conditions so harsh that businesses fail, stocks crash and homeowners face foreclosure. Behind all of this is Chelsea Clinton, rushing in to buy up the assets for pennies on the dollar at the bankruptcy sales. Then later, after some favored tax break or regulatory relief from Mom, the assets will rise in value and be sold for a large profit.

    How much has Hillary earned since she made $100,000 in pork bellies off a $1,000 investment?  (remember Refco?)

    What is Avenue Capital Group?

  11. It is full of ****!

    We feel impotents and cant do anything about it.


  12. YES.

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