
Do you think the price of gas will go down in the future?

by Guest33446  |  earlier

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Do you think the price of gas will go down in the future?




  1. for awhile, no. but eventually there will be other better energy sources for vehicles and the demand will go down. but by that time it wont matter cause we will own cars that dont need gas.

    im talkin farrr in the future. like when im a middle aged creepah.

  2. Not a chance, world competition and decreasing supplies will keep gas prices in an upward spiral.

    Good times are over, you better sell your SUV and get a moped!

  3. if the price of teh american doller goes up and the economy stops decrease i think so i sure hope so

  4. err...  i dont know.  probably it will get soo high that people will find ways not to use gas altogether. then when all the cars run on   not-gas   the price of gas will go down cuz nobody wants it...

  5. it might go down a little bit. maybe a few cents. But they are talking about the prices to get up around 4 dollars a gallon before summer. i sure hope it goes down. I wanna go to the beach this summer.

  6. nope we will be using hybrids and other fuel sources because of the lack of fossil fuels and high demand

  7. Nope, it's going to keep increasing and when fossil fuels run out, it's gonna get incredibly expensive unless they develop an effective way of developing a gas.

  8. Only when they start burning saltwater for cars.

  9. no because the demand for it is going up and the supply is going down resulting in higher pprices

  10. Not unless the value of our dollar goes up!!

  11. No, it can only go up.

    There is a limited amount of oil in the world, and the demand continues to increase, specially with newly developing countries like China. Imagine if everyone in china drove a SUV!

    Yes, there are alternative forms of energy, of transportation, but only economics will drive them to be used widely enough to help. And the main economics are probably a much higher price of gasoline.

  12. yes, but only if there is an alternative to crude oil.

    it is  the same with clothes, once capris or something like that goes out of style, the price of that type of clothing will go down because there will be less of a demand

  13. No, because as time grows oil runs out and soon we will have no oil. (Until the next couple of million years)

  14. For those of you complaining about high gas prices - myself included - here are some things to keep it in perspective:

    The Price of Gas

    Think a gallon of gas is expensive?

    Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 ...... $10.32 per gallon

    Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ...... $9.52 per gallon

    Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 ...... $10.17 per gallon

    Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 ..... $10.00 per gallon

    Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ...... $33.60 per gallon

    Vick's NyQuil 6 oz $8.35 ...... $178.13 per gallon

    Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 ...... $123.20 per gallon

    Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 ....... $25.42 per gallon

    Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 .......$84.48 per gallon

    Evian water 9 oz $1.49.......$21.19 per gallon

    (FYI:  Evian spelled backwards is Naive.)

    Printer ink.......$5,200 per gallon. (This is the reason why printers are so inexpensive.)

    So the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope,  Whiteout, Pepto Bismol, NyQuil or God forbid, Printer Ink !!!!!

  15. no prices will only go up do to the demand in iraq and across the world

  16. yes in the future, but from the looks of things, its probably the distant future with it going up a few cents a day. its all c**p when they say were running out of oil, they just want to save more oil.

    i hope it goes down soon, like summer.

  17. It will for a split second but the rising price of gas is inevitable. Back then everyone wanted to get a truck, but in the future everyone will end up getting cars because by this summer it will get up to a minimum of $4 dollars. I'm not very happy about that either but sadly I see it coming. But there's hope, our future will soon have different fuel supplies..

  18. Okay i think that if the gas prices keep getting higher and higher then the truckers will have to stop doing so much of there routes and if they stop then we will be running low on groceries and then the gas prices will go down but the groceries will go up.

    But thats what i think.


  19. only shortly

    we have not seen the end of the long climb up

    Alternative Fuels are the answer, yall!

  20. Unlikely, unless some other fuel innovation takes off. The reason it's gone up is that so many other counties are coming on-line and demanding it. That trend's not going to change.

  21. This category is for car related questions not jokes.

  22. No, I think it will keep going up.  We will see variations in the price but we'll never see $2.00 gas again

  23. i hope so... it was $4.10/gallon for me yesterday!!!

  24. not for a while i think the gas price will go down only a while after the war

  25. no they will keep rising because as we use it up there becomes less so the price goes up...well in uk anyway

  26. no because of greed.

  27. As soon as we get out of the Middle East, and get

    George W. out of the White House.

  28. i live in massachusetts and its about 3.22 now now and they said its probably going to go up to $4.00 by then end of this year. So i say no to your question.

  29. Depends on what type of future your talking about. IF your talking about near future, no. If your talking about the future as in like 10 years, yes, because I believe that we will have a different source of fuel and that would cause the need for gas to go down and therefore the price of gas would decrease as well.

  30. NO

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