
Do you think the price of petrol in the uk is acceptable?

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Do you think the price of petrol in the uk is acceptable?




  1. No of course not who would?

  2. The global price of petrol has risen, ok we've got to live with that, petrol is a commodity like any other that is open to the economics of supply and demand.

    What is unacceptable is the government being responsible for 75% of the price we pay due to tax and yet Gordon Brown looks to others when he talks of bringing the price down.

  3. Well, no. But you the British did allowed their gov to do it to them.

  4. 100% unacceptable

  5. I think the price of oil is unacceptable yes, but this is has been a constant in the last 30 years and nothing new.  The supply/demand economics and with China and the US doing nothing to reduce environmental concerns or use of oil, means that demand is consistantly higher than supply

    Net result for everyone is that basically the oil producing nations can charge what they want and, at least at the moment, will get it!

    It's true that taxation does play it's part, and I guess this what you mean by the UK part.  It's not consolation I guess, but the UK is by far not the highest priced country in Western Europe.  Looking at the AA data the price in June for the UK average was 116.5 per litre (pounds).  Compare that with Germany @ 121.32, Italy @ 121.32, Norway @ 134.49 and here in the Netherlands at 134.26, and you will see that actually you are paying considerably less!

  6. No.


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