Shedding a tear the day after groomers reported she "polled as hard, the public wants to see a softer side of her" , she sheds a tear( on cue) to the message of only wanting to 'save the country' ( very noble). Groomers and talking heads stated that she ( or Obama) can't use their minority status DIRECTLY, as it would be seen as a negative ACCORDING TO POLLS!!!
What better way to rally support for the cause or women united, than to have a sexist shout "Iron my shirts"? Develops outrage and support without trying to initiate it herself. If you watch the video the "IRON MY SHIRT" is on both sides of the poster( so camera's can see frfom behind? She shows NO reaction, none, amazing! As the heckler chants, not even surprise, only "turn up the lights please". Witty comeback about sexism is alive and well, and later states that the campaign trail is "never predictable" . Scripted plants are pretty predictable, people fell for it. I thought Bill was a great president, hate manipulation