
Do you think the "official" story of President Kennedy's assassination is 100% true? Or is there more to it?

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Did Oswald act alone? Or was he guided and helped by someone else? Or at least advised by someone else?

Was he the only gunman that day?

What do you think really happened?




  1. I've heard theories of the Mafia, CIA (Kennedy wanting to pull out of Vietnam and catastophe at Bay of Pigs), Nixon, Oswald, George Bush Sr, and anti-castro Cubans. I'm not sure which is true, but I think when people discard the Nixon theory immediately, they should think it over a little. He had motive, and he was known to do whatever it takes to move up the ladder.

  2. The "official" story leaves out any exploration of the prior relationship between Oswald and Ruby, and even the examination of Ruby doesn't go into whether he was aware that he would die of cancer before coming to trial or if that's just a coincidence.   There's nothing about the motives, the official version just goes into facts.  Oswald didn't seem to have any motive, and Ruby didn't seem to have any particular motive to kill Oswald.

    We have no idea who killed Officer Tippit, or why he was where he was at the time, which was not in his patrol area, and he seemed to be in a hurry to get there.

    I don't have a clue what really happened, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a lone gunman who was later murdered by a close family friend, and the coincidence of a Dallas police officer being randomly shot shortly after the assassination.  

    There's a lot more there than will ever be known, many of the secrets died with Oswald, and even more died with Ruby, and who knows what Tippit's involvement was.

  3. The government is a master at hiding things so I think things are known that the government is not telling us and I think that some people in the government were involved in the whole thing.  There is no way Oswald could have planned or acted alone.

  4. Assassination theories

    Main article: Kennedy assassination theories

    A handbill circulated on November 21, 1963, in Dallas one day before the assassination of John F. KennedyAn official investigation by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), conducted from 1976 to 1979, concluded that Oswald assassinated President Kennedy as a result of a probable conspiracy. This conclusion of a likely conspiracy contrasts with the earlier conclusion by the Warren Commission that the President was assassinated by a lone gunman.

    In the ensuing four decades since the assassination, theories have been proposed or published that detail organized conspiracies to kill the President. These theories implicate, among others, Cuban President Fidel Castro, the anti-Castro Cuban community,[90][91] President Johnson, the Mafia, the FBI, the CIA, the masonic order and the Soviet Bloc – or perhaps some combination of these.

    Others claim that Oswald was not involved at all. Shortly after his arrest, Oswald insisted he was a "patsy". Oswald never admitted any participation in the assassination and was murdered two days after being taken into police custody.

    Some polls indicate a large number of Americans are suspicious of official government conclusions – primarily the Warren Commission's findings – regarding the assassination. A 2003 ABC News poll found that 70% of respondents suspected there was an assassination plot.[92] These same polls also show that there is no agreement on who else may have been involved.

    These websites hold that Oswald was the lone gunman :

    Also this one : (this one is pretty interesting because it's based on research done by Vincent Bugliosi, the prosecutor who put Charles Manson behind bars)

    My personal opinion? Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy. Was he under orders from someone else or from a group? I don't know.

  5. I don't think any of it is true. A single man with a crappy rifle didn't kill JFK alone. There were powerful people with their own personal reasons for hating JFK who killed him.

  6. No one is ever going to know. Conspiracy theorists, it's time to hear from you now (actually, I shouldn't be so sarcastic, because I'm one of them). Was it  just Oswald...?, was it the mob, Castro, or the CIA.

    There have certainly been enough investigations and none of them contradict the Warren Commission. Personally, I believe there are still to many unanswered's almost as though a conspiracy had to exist. Oswald may have been one of the shooters but he wasn't the only one.

  7. There is much more to it but it isn't a result of a cover up. It is because there were so few precautions put into place to avoid the outcome of that day. the death of Oswald sealed the truth and without a time machine nobody can develop the evidence it would take to find the truth. It all falls into small gaps of truisms that can never be assembled into a single provable story.

    I'm most fond of the French Foreign Legion connection. Remember, Kennedy ok'ed the coup against the president of South Vietnam. Many of that presidents cohorts had a lot riding on American backing in South Vietnam. More than enough to pay a team of assassins in diamonds. Even if the plot was completely uncovered, it would change nothing after Kennedy was killed.

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