
Do you think the ref stopped the Kimbo fight too early?

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I'm a little torn over this decision and I'd like to know what you guys think. On one hand, Thompson was very dazed but not much worse than he was in the previous round which he went on to dominate. On the other hand, the man was wobbling so badly that one huge punch from Kimbo could have permanently injured his brain. He certainly was wide open to get clocked. What do you think?




  1. his ear was bledding badly yes but thompson also has bad cauliflower ear which do bleed very easy anyway since it just scar tissue no reason to stop the figth look at the WEC figth with Chase Beebe and eddie wineland Eddies ear did the same thing only worse and thwey did not stop the figth anyone with that bad an ear can tell you they will bleed very easy it is scar tissue filled with blood and fluid which is why you get it drained it looks bad but he is fine the stoppage was becuase kimbo was losing the fight

  2. NEWS FLASH:  Any time a body part explods on national TV the refs are going to stop the fight.

  3. I think if the fight lasted a few more seconds Kimbo would have had Thompson on his ***.

    I think Kimbo did well (except for the last part of the second round) but Thompson looked like he was winning with his long holds and the wild misses of Kimbo.  If Kimbo had landed a few more of those missed punches the fight would have been verey different.

  4. The Kimbo fight was probably stopped exactly where it should've been.  Thompson wasn't answering, he was just eating punches.  I'm amazed that Thompson was standing with all of Kimbo's supposed knockout power.  But Thompson did  look dazed after they stopped it, so I don't think he could've eaten any more of those.  

    As for  when  Kimbo  was  on the bottom, earlier,  Thompson wasn't doing any damage.  Thompson was just tapping him on the head with  his glove and his elbow, almost like he didn't want to hurt him or something.  All I  can say is that Thompson must be very inexperienced at GNP.  Kimbo should've been KO'ed by a more  experienced fighter when he ended up on his back.

  5. Yes, I think the fight was stopped a little early. As you mentioned , Thompson was hurt just as much the round earlier. In addition, Kimbo was pretty tired out himself. Thompson really gave him a run for his money with the ground game. If Thompson didn't show he could defend himself in the next couple of punches then the fight should of been stopped. But that ear might have fallen off too,lol.

  6. Yes, the Kimbo fight was stopped too early. Lets look at the whole picture here. Kimbo had a total of only 2 MMA fights before the fight on Saturday. He has the least experience of MMA, than any of the fighters in the Elite XC, and is the face of the business. When Kimbo was getting pounded by elbows in the 2nd round for about 30 seconds straight, he could not intelligently defend himself and the fight should have been stopped then. In the UFC or WEC the fight would have been stopped with no question (to protect the fighter). Now this also shows how Elite XC needed Kimbo to win. When it came to the 3rd  round and Thompsons ear broke open the fight was not stopped immediately, so that is no means of an explanation for the fight being called. Kimbo came with a flurry of punches that backed Thompson against the cage but Thompson could still defend himself. The fight was called, Thompson grabbed the ref arguing that the fight should not have been stopped, Thompson had a good argument. If this league wants to keep credibility if should stick to promoting real fighters such as Robbie Lawler and others. Being a huge fan of MMA and following it from the beginning the most exciting fighter which Elite XC should focus on is Cung Le, he is undefeated and brings a new, unique, and raw style to MMA. Just watch is last fight against Frank Shamrock who he destroys.

  7. fight was stopped to late.. the ref should have stopped it in the end of the second round when kimbo took countless hits on the buttom... it was RIGGED!!! and no i dont have a grudge against kimbo i just tell it like it is.

  8. The moment I saw Thompson's freakish looking ear, I knew he was in trouble, and that was before he entered the ring.

    In my opinion, Thompson shouldn't have even considered fighting anyone with an ear swollen and ready to pop like a pinata.  What was he thinking?  What was his trainers thinking?!

    I must say, he stood his ground against Kimbo Slice.  At times he exposed Kimbo Slice's inexperienced.  He could've have pulled an upset, but again--that freakin' ear of his--it kept him from bringing down a legend.

  9. If it was stopped for the right reasons (Thompson not returning fire, his ear exploding) then it was a good stop. If it was stopped because the fight was "rigged" to protect the franchise player, then shame on EliteXC. I like Kimbo, but I love the sport more, and don't want to see matches tampered with. Let the fighters decide the outcome.

  10. It looked like part of Thompson's brain was coming out of his ear. Had it not been for that planet sized meteor coming out of his head he may have taken slice down again for another ground and pound. Kimbo has a ways to go and some major fighters to go through before he get the recognition he's looking for.

  11. If this fight was stopped too early,then it was only to spare Thompson any more pain!  Kimbo was about to knock him out cold, I'm sure of it.  

    As for Kimbo being on the ground for almost 2 minutes getting rocked, that's what Kimbo's fights are all about, he takes a lickin and keeps on ticken!  Did you not see that scarey a#$ face he gave Thompson in the second round?  I would have messed myself if he did that to me!  The fight was stopped for medical reasons, not because it was rigged.  Just my personal opinion.

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