
Do you think the referees know when to call a knock on or do they just gauge the reaction of the players?

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Do you think the referees know when to call a knock on or do they just gauge the reaction of the players?




  1. if something isn't done about the utter stupidity  and lack professionalism regarding the referees it will really start to cost our game.

    they seem to be like politicians, all c**p!

  2. judging on the performance during the warriors - sea eagles game, I'd have to say no, they make it up as they go along.

  3. player and fan reaction.

  4. The refs appear to be completely clueless - and the linesmen are no better. Judgement seems to be based on the reactions of the players and crowd.

  5. alot is reaction from fans

    and they might as well just get rid of the linesmen, useless

  6. The referees are getting worse in the NRL... it is getting beyond a joke.

  7. The referees know if they are any good,and the fans will let them know if they are not any good

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