
Do you think the reporters of this story are big time American supporters (scroll to bottom of page for names)

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I doubt it and most likely have exaggerated the story and naturally since it makes our troops look bad Yahoo-AP has jumped on it




  1. I doubt that these reporters are American, much less supporters of America.  Why would anyone think that during war there would not be civilian casualties?  It's a war, not a card game, and freedom from tyranny is what's at stake, not a bunch of red and white plastic disks.  I used to watch CNN, but when the war started, Hemmer and O'Brien opened every single show with this statement, "So far *whatever number* American soldiers have died in Iraq."  It made me so angry I stopped watching that channel forever.  Most members of the America media aren't worthy of the sacrifice our men and women are making, and I wish just once they would get on air and say the truth:  If Islam abandons its agenda once and for all, the war will end.

  2. I am compelled to believe what d**k Morris said about how they work journalists!! what they tell them to say and do, to cause panic amongst the people, and intimadate the USA, into feeling sorry for those other countries!!!

  3. I noticed. Wonder why so many people on Y/A answers seem to hate our beloved country so bad. It saddens my heart.  I just never experienced so much hate in my life.and it really makes me physically sick. give it another year or two, and some of these haters may wish they had their old America. back. But it will be too late. . And the two reporters, loved making us look bad. that's what the liberal media  seems to thrive on. But I still say, God bless our troops,and God bless America.

  4. Treasoners is more like it. we are in a Global Jihad------our men need to be able to do what must be done---without tied hands------our enemies do not play by a fair set of rules.

    If you have ever seen what they do to our troops when they are captured it would give  you nightmares.

  5. Will im kind a thinkin. they might be related to the Taliban,

    Possibly Alquida. Minimum tied into Al Jezzeer. You will

    get some really unbiased reporting from that group. Plus

    Im willing to bet CNN the Obama home network is getting

    in on it.

  6. In guerrilla warfare it is impossible at times to tell the difference between friend and foe.  There will be civilian casualties no matter what.  Soldiers have a right to defend themselves and should not be criticized for doing so in my opinion.  Media of all nature have their bias so you really just have to separate fact from fabrication in the name of entertainment.

  7. That is a very curious comment since you can not tell the terrorists from the civilians, just exactly how does this Afghan official know that these people are civilian ?

    I would bet that this is a propaganda story to make it appear that our troops are intentionally targeting civilians.

    I do not know if you remember the story about a year ago where 12 Marines were accused of murdering innocent civilians. This incident was reported to Time Magazine's Tim McGirk. McGirk pushed this information to Representative Jack Murtha (D -PA), Murtha immediately called the Marines "murders".

    It was discovered that the information that went to McGirk came indirectly from one of the terrorists that were part of that attack (one Marine was KIA). Still all of these fine young men faced court martial for murder,  So far, 10 of the Marines have  had all charges dropped. One, a Sgt is still waiting for his trial, the commanding officer Lt Col Chessaini had his charges "Dropped without prejudice" , this means that the military could still file charges against him. Col. Chessaini was not even in the area when his troops were attacked, he was at Headquarters.

    Of course, Murtha has never offered an apology to the Marines and his comments are "defamation of character" and I hope that those Marines go after him for every penny he has.

  8. I expect the terrorist and their sympathizers to report that all killed were innocient civilians, and for "our side" to report all killed were enemy combatants.  Since I can no more know the truth than the reporter does,  I will believe "our side" unless it is proved differently.  In  past wars, those without official insignia participating in war would be considered spies and shot.  We are being much nicer now to the people who don't hesitate to kill civilians.

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